![]() Surprise! I wasn't supposed to go down the shore this weekend. In fact, I was pretty adamant about NOT going down the shore since my husband would be away and I had made other plans to take Vincent into Philly to see my side of the family (I haven't seen my brother in a while). Well, my mother-in-law persuaded me to head down to Ocean City with the carrot of my wonderful little cousin, Lydia. She currently lives in Colorado but was here for a stint in the summer. Since I didn't get to see her much (and she'd be leaving this weekend) I cancelled Philly plans and made my way down to OC. God had QUITE the weekend planned for me. I feel so foolish now for trying so hard to do things my way. Upon arriving in Ocean City, Vincent woke up and leapt into his Pop's arms after barely making it out of the car. He was up for another half hour or so, just buzzing happily with his Mi-mom and Pop. The next morning, when I checked my mail, I got a message from a friend I hadn't seen in eleven (11!) years. She, too, had come in from Kansas to spend some time in OC. She wanted to meet up! I practically bounced around the living room! The weather was beyond gorgeous and the water was so warm. Vincent had an absolute blast playing with Lydia and Alliya. The waves were his favorite, I think, now that he understands he's able to sorta "ride" them to the shore. So my friend and I made plans that fell through a couple times. Finally, in our frustration, we threw out an SOS that we could possibly just go to the same Mass the next day. So I chalked it up to God setting us up for something, and sure enough, He was! I made the trek over to Our Lady of Good Councel (which, BTW, is GORGEOUS) in the hopes that we would find one another after Mass. We did! And we were able to chat for a good 15 minutes or so. Plus - the homily MORE than made up for the cantor / lector (I'll have a blog on them soon!). What a wonderful bonus to an already wonderful surprise! Ahhhh - God is so good. Just wanted to share a little lesson I learned this weekend. Sometimes you've just gotta hand over the reigns and realize you can't control every aspect of your life out, especially when God is specifically asking you to enjoy the backseat for a while. :)
![]() His legs are impossibly thin! Please help. I came across some images that seared themselves into my mind recently. These are just a couple. I am blessed to be able to not only have 3 meals each day, but the excess of snacks, candy, or even the ability to choose from a variety of different foods. I am one of the lucky, lucky few. Over 1/3 of the world's population is dying of hunger. Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes. That's one child every five seconds. My heart breaks for these children... these families. I can't even imagine how grief-stricken parents are when they know they are unable to provide the most basic of needs to their children. I, as a parent, can't help but put Vincent's face on these children. I can't help but see John and I in the parents who cry out in agony over their plight. Please find an organization you trust to help be part of the solution for these children. I found Food for the Poor, Inc. I also wish to consume a little less in the hopes that these children will then have a little more. I want to be aware of their sufferings so I don't take my blessings so lightly. I want to understand exactly what I have to be grateful for so I'm able to share those blessings with these families who very much live in our backyard. This isn't just going on in Africa or Mexico... it's happening in Camden, Philadelphia, San Diego. It's happening all around us, and we, as part of the human race, need to be more aware so we're able to reach out and help... not callously walk on by, oblivious to the pain and unspeakable tragedy surrounding us. This is truly weighing heavy on my heart recently... and I'm glad of it. The weight is a reminder that more is expected of me as more has been given. Be thankful for your gifts, but please remember to share them with those less fortunate. A few friends pointed out that my original blog on Women Priests was pretty awful. I concede they were very much right. I apologize, and hope this one explains the Church's position better. I appreciate the feedback, and appreciate even more the chance to try again. You're all wonderful... even if you do think I'm a crazy. :) ![]() I was a little disappointed with my original blog a couple days ago on this topic. Some of my friends still didn't understand, and others directed me to this site which outlines several more reasons that the Catholic Church is simply "wrong" for not allowing women priests. Apparently, the Holy Spirit had foreseen this. In anticipation of this heresy battle, He dropped a prayer / revelation book into my lap called "The 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ." This sequence was penned by Luisa Piccarreta and translated by Saint Hannibal M. Di Francia (Luisa's Spiritual Director), but Luisa always said this prayer comes from Christ Himself. Currently, Luisa is on the path towards Sainthood, and I would only be too happy to write more about her in another blog at some point. But suffice to say, I know the Holy Spirit was being proactive by leading me to this particular set of prayers. Anyway... Last night, I prepared myself to take part in the Eucharistic Supper hour. In reading and mediating on this hour, Jesus patiently explained to me that He did not ordain His Apostles through the Passover meal as so many of us believe. It was in the washing of their feet that Christ imparted their worthiness to caress the Host of His Eucharist! What an eye-opener! And it makes perfect sense, too! Only in John's gospel are we explained the "Ordination of the Apostles" in this manner. Jesus removed His prayer shawl, remaining only in what we would recognize as a priestly alb and wrapped a towel around His Waist. He knelt in submission and humiliation to accomplish a task so lowly that even Jewish slaves were exempt from the act! St. Peter, horrified that His God would humiliate Himself so drastically, refused to allow Jesus to touch his feet. Jesus, probably with a heart-smile at St. Peter's distressed expression of affection, simply replied, "Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me." In other words, Jesus was imparting to St. Peter that this act of cleansing must be accomplished in order to follow the Will of God to prepare him for the task about to be commissioned. So contrary to what the women in the above link state, women were NOT present for this, nor were they present for the secondary Eucharistic meal after the Passover supper they prepared. Jesus, through Piccarreta, said of this washing of the feet: I so much cherish this act of receiving Me in the Eucharist, that I do not want to entrust this office to the angels, and not even to my dear Mother, but I Myself want to purify them, down to the most intimate fibers, in order to dispose them to receive the fruit of the Sacrament; and in the Apostles I intended to prepare all souls. Thus, we come to understand that it was in this act of total subjugation that Christ calls His Apostles to be like Him - to serve one another and more importantly, to serve the Church - humbly and with gentleness. Upon completing the Washing of the Feet, Christ then instructs them in the act of Consecration by, for the first time, creating Himself in the form of bread and wine - two of the most humble and universal commodities humanity knows. He then instructs THEM and ONLY THEM to "do this in remembrance of Me." But in order to share this act of Consecration with them, Christ, Himself, wished to make them ready to accept this gift into their hearts. I bow my head in appreciation of such a beautiful and humbling thought. So again, the argument that women were around for the Passover feast has no bearing on the ability of our Church to recognize the ordination of women as priests. Simply put, women were NOT present for this cleansing in preparation for bestowing the gift of the power of Consecration. ![]() Next, this site attempts to utilize Our Most Blessed Mother as a means for their end. *Shakes head* This is mortifyingly wrong. Again, if Christ had wanted women as priests, I assure you, Our Lady would've been first in line, well ahead of St. Peter! But again, folks seem to have difficulty understanding that men and women are called for different purposes. We are equal in dignity, but we have NOT been created to do the same things. We've been created to compliment one another, and the job of a priest is one of those things men have been created for. The Blessed Mother understood her place as the Ark of the New Covenant. She brought forth Christ not through her own power, but through the power of the Holy Spirit! She accepted His Gift through her fiat, she did not consecrate her womb in order to manifest the Presence of Christ within her! Also, this "one priesthood" nonsense is exactly that... nonsense. There are two types of priesthoods recognized by the Catholic Church (not counting the Priesthood of Christ). One is the ministerial priesthood - which is the familiar clergy of priests and bishops we know and love. The second is the "common" (or, ironically, the "Royal") priesthood that each of us is a part of through Baptism. The two serve VASTLY different functions and one cannot exist without the other since they both exist to SERVE each other. To put it simply, all apple trees are trees, but not all trees are apple trees, right? The same is true of Ministerial Priests. They all belong to the Royal Priesthood through Baptism, but not all royal priests are ministerial. To claim otherwise is simply fallacious. Utilizing a tiny seed of truth to start your garden of lies will inevitably turn into a jungle of folly. ![]() Then we've got the argument that there have been female deacons in the past - some women even going so far as to claim Mary and Martha as their prime examples. Let me go ahead and dispell that lie outright. Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, were NEVER anywhere even remotely near the capacity of priest. Their place was always at the feet of Jesus, learning from Him and serving Him as their honored Guest and Teacher. With that nonsense aside, I'll delve into the topic of female deacons. The women spoken of by this "WomenPriests" organization were nothing more than helpers to maintain dignity and humility through the sacrament of baptism. At the time, Baptism consisted of being wholly submersed in water, thoroughly soaking undergarments. As a result, these "deaconesses" referred to were at the ready with towels and fresh linens so the newly baptized might change themselves into more presentable attire. St. Epiphanius says it best in his piece "Against Heresies" when he wrote: "We come to the New Testament. If women were ordained to be priests for God, or to do anything canonical in the church, it should rather have been given to Mary in the New Testament... but it was decided differently. She was not even entrusted with baptizing. Nowhere was a woman established among [clerics]. There were four daughters of the evangelist Philip, who were prophetesses, but not priests. Although there is an order of deaconesses in the Church, yet they are not appointed to function as priests or for any administration of this kind, but so that provision may be made for the propriety of the female sex [at baptism]." And just to hit it home one more time that these women were NOT a part of the three "sacred" offices of Holy Orders (which, BTW, are priesthood, diaconate and subdiaconate), the Council of Nicea had this to say: "We have mentioned the deaconesses, who are enrolled in this position, but since they have not received any imposition of hands at all, they are surely to be numbered among the laity." So once again, WomenPriests.org, you are spreading fallacy. I really wonder how much of this you understand and how much you are simply ignorant of. Considering the poor religious education we receive anymore, I wouldn't be surprised if these ideas spring forth innocently from ignorance of where our religious beliefs (as true Catholics) come from. Then again, with all the research they've apparently done to tear down Catholic teaching, they must've come across even a small portion of what I've explained above. *Sigh* Prayers, folks. Prayers to the wonderful Holy Spirit are necessary. May He touch their minds with the light of wisdom, understanding and faith. ![]() Veils by Lily is doing a Mantilla Give-Away!!! *Boing boing boing* You have no idea how exciting this is! I have the most beautiful black mantilla veil (with built in comb, of course) from Lily that I've gotten so many compliments on! She has the most unique and lovely veils you can find, so please do yourselves a favor and stop by to check out her massive selection. Bonus for those looking to order this week - $1 shipping! Here's a shot of me in mine! Here's another, but this time with my hair pulled back and brighter light so you can see the lace detail. Pretty, right? Lily does, after all, rock. :)
Typically I utilize prime sources when linking articles, letters or other documents, but in this case, I'm going to connect you to Fr. Z's blog entry on an article regarding Cardinal Canizares' rather straightforward teaching that all Catholics should accept the Eucharist while kneeling.
Why? Simply put, it doesn't get ANY better than Fr. Z's commentary. So enjoy, take heed, and accept while KNEELING! Don't be afraid to humble yourself before the Presence of Christ, Himself! Even though the folks in line may snicker or chide you, remember Who it is that you kneel before, Who it is that you accept! Also know that you are not alone in your humble act of adoration - all the angels and saints are kneeling with you. Amen! Amen! Amen! I really hope I'm able to take my own advice on this one. I have a feeling my pastor may think I'm way off my rocker this time, though... ![]() Dick Retta, a well known pro-life warrior, has had a lawsuit sneakily brought up against him by the Department of Justice. Atrocious. They're making up lies about how he operates in order to force his silence through intimidation and financial burdens. What a cowardly display of arrogance and fear. This man has done nothing illegal, and he most certainly didn't do the things he's accused of. He's never been violent and he's certainly never screamed at women entering or leaving. He is the model of charity - never judging, only praying that they might see the error of their ways in time to seek proper counsel. Satan is trying so hard to silence voices like Retta's. He wants to ensure every single soul is snatched away from the world because one less soul on earth is one less soul that could be living in the Light of God. Not only that, but Satan hates humans for their placement above him in all things. Thus, to snuff out every life he can gives him a satisfaction that he's not only destroying the innocent child, he's also destroying those who aided in the abortion itself. These souls, unless they reconcile with God, become lost to Hell for their transgressions. We must pray that they see the Light of Love. *Warning: Graphic Material in Link Below* Priests for Life, an organization of priests dedicated to sounding the alarm to end abortion, has been active this week in gaining media attention for their plight through the public funeral for baby Esther, a late-term abortion victim whose body was retrieved for a proper, dignified burial. Through this funeral, they hoped to not only acknowledge the life and blessings that Esther had been robbed of, but also all children who suffered a similar fate. They hoped that by validating little Esther, others would come to understand that the "tissue" they destroy is a beating heart... a child sucking her thumb... a baby just beginning to hear his mother's voice. All children deserve a chance at life. All of them. And all women deserve a chance to know the facts in a patient, loving way... exactly the way that Dick Retta is a professional at delivering. So keep him in your prayers, along with all those mothers and children whose fate hangs in the balance at even this very moment. ![]() I'd like to say, firstly, that I'm practicing the virtues of patience and charity with this post. I'm going to ask that the Holy Spirit keep my tongue in check as I speak of the foolishness of these men and women who seek the ordination of women into the priesthood of the Catholic Church. The New York Times ran this article a few days ago. Let me start off this by explaining the rationalization some make for female priests... 1. Severe shortage of priests in general 2. Desire among some women to become priests 3. Women priests prove that the Church isn't "sexist" 4. Women priests would make up for abuses perpetrated by the male clergy Going one at a time, yes, we are a little short on priests it seems. That being said, ordaining women would NOT solve the problem. It might - at best - be a temporary bandaid, but the lack of priests is symptomatic of a much larger problem. It's the same problem that is causing the erosion of our parishes, lack of other religious (sisters and brothers), Catholic schools closing by the hundreds, and a general disillusionment with the Catholic Church. The problem, simply put, is a lack of true faith formation. How can we expect to have a wonderful supply of wonderful priests if we don't teach our children what the faith is all about? To the majority of children, faith, at most, is something practiced on Sunday during an hour of Mass, and maybe an hour in school. It's not something publicly practiced at home through family prayer, and it's certainly not something spoken about to friends or other family members. As for the second reason - the desire of some women to become priests - I answer with a basic question of my own... what of the men who have a similarly strong desire to become mothers? There are certainly men who wished to be able to carry a child to term, and even nurse their own children. Even though science has made plenty of strides with biology and physiology, this desire will forever remain just that... a desire. So while I'm sure there are plenty of women who have this sincere desire (St. Therese was one of them!), Jesus did not consecrate women into the Priesthood and as such, gave no authority to the Church to do so either. In fact, if Jesus wanted to consecrate women into the Priesthood, don't you think He'd've chosen His Most Blessed Mother as first in line - even before St. Peter, himself??? God has His reasons for not initiating women into the Priesthood, and as such, the Church cannot go against His Example. It's not about being sexist (point number three). It's about the example Jesus left for the Early Church through His Own Actions. There were NO WOMEN priests, and as a result, we can recognize none today. Men and women, though equal, have been given different sets of gifts and uses. Consecration is simply one that belongs solely to men the same as carrying life to term is one that belongs solely to women. Rationalization 4 is a fallacy, pure and simple. There is a rise in female abuse against children, and we're all familiar with Mary Kay Letourneau... maybe even Debra LaFave! The accusation that only men are responsible for crimes against children is readily proven wrong, and such a foolish belief may even endanger children by creating such a false sense of security. Pope John Paul II made it pretty clear in his Aposotlic letter, Ordinatotio Sacerdotalis. As such, this issue has been laid to rest. Unfortunately, there are those who are angry that the Church didn't bend to their beliefs and desires and still seek to push the issue. They are mistaken in their quest since regardless of their arguments, the Church will not (and truly CANNOT) change its teaching on this. My query again, then, is why do they continue attempting to alter a religion they don't agree with? Why not just find a religion that suits your belief system instead of attempting to force another into your line of thinking? *Shakes head* Sad, really. These folks are running around thinking they're Catholic when, in reality, they are trying to destroy the very thing they think they're out to save. Prayers are needed for them. Lots and lots of prayers. ![]() I was down in Ocean City this past weekend with my son and in-laws. My husband wasn't able to make it this weekend due to work constraints. As a result, I had to take my squirmy, super active bundle of joy to the 7:30 Mass with me. We got dressed, and I put him into his stroller so we could make the quick trip over to St. Augustine. We got there with about five minutes to spare. Most people were so kind, smiling at Vincent, or holding doors open for us so we could pass. One of the ushers, however, seemed slightly miffed that Vincent was there at all! After Vince and I had situated ourselves towards the back of the Church (for any necessary "escapes" during tantrums or potty breaks), he came over and told me there was a small room in the back that we'd be "more comfortable" in. I've been to St. Augustine's plenty of times, and I'm well aware of the small chapel room that has been dormant for at least 5 years. It opens into the Church Proper and provides no sound proofing. It also serves as a parking area for strollers, wheelchairs, etc. It is not a "cry room" nor even a real chapel at all. It's simply a storage area that sometimes opens to allow an overabundance of parishoners take refuge during holiday gatherings. Normally I'd take these kinds of "suggestions" as kind gestures, but I got the distinct impression he simply didn't want us in the Church. He wanted us swept under the rug because he was afraid Vincent would begin acting up. !!! I admit to being miffed. I calmly thanked him, however, and told him we were fine where we were. Displeased, he walked back to the door and stared at us with ice daggers until Father made his way for the Processional. Vince, for his part, was an absolute angel! He happily played with my wallet while we were seated, or played with my veil and hair while I held him as we stood. Then he caught sight of a magnificent statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (like the one I pictured above). He kept looking up in amazement at this incredible statue of Our Lord in silent contemplation. Then he'd look back at me with the biggest smile on his face. :) Finally, during the Eucharistic prayers, I placed him into his stroller so I could kneel. He happily opened and closed his buckles which freed me to devote my attention solely to the miracle of the Mass. Finally, the Eucharistic Procession started, and I attempted to get Vince ready to walk up. He had been so happy with his buckles, though, that he began to cry angrily when I swooped him out and into line. My perfect little angel chose NOW to scream his head off... go figure. When I got the the front of the line, I knelt and accepted the Eucharist. Father blessed Vince and patted his arm saying, "It's OK, buddy!" which didn't console him in the least. He did, however, quiet down for the blessing, I think because he was curious about who Father was. So I walked back to my seat wit him still crying his head off. Upon being placed back into the stroller - silence. *Shakes head* Seriously, Vince? Ah well. I hate giving that usher such satisfaction, but Vince didn't know any better. Ha ha. C'est la vie. Kids have just as much right to attend a Mass as adults do. However, I typically leave Vince home with Daddy so I can better participate, but I don't shoot scathing glares at others who bring their children with them. I sincerely can't fathom how rude some people can be towards those of us with children! *Shakes head* Humpf. ![]() I can only pray we are blessed with more and more priests like this! A friend of mine from HS celebrated his 2nd year as a priest this past May. When I'd heard he made the decision to become a priest, I was thrilled. He'd always been such a sweetheart in HS, and I couldn't help but smile to think of the wonderful priest he'd make. This priest and I have a mutual friend - also from High School - who has made fun of this priest for his "conservative" nature. I admit being shocked at this mean streak against our mutual friend, and chided him for such remarks. This friend continued to complain about the priest, saying he was too long-winded, he prayed older prayers, or he didn't know what he was doing on the altar. *Shakes head* I probably should have sternly reprimanded him for such arrogance, but instead, I calmly directed the conversation in a different direction to remove the threat of offense. My heart still breaks just thinking about that. However, it also rejoices, because those complaints are things I look upon with pride! A priest who is not afraid to delve into traditional Catholicism! A priest who is looking to call us back to the "old ways." A priest who is content to have us think on our sins with proper time and thoughtfulness! I knew he'd be a blessing - and he hasn't disappointed. So in light of him, the two from the article, and all priests (past, present and future), let us hug them in prayer and thank God for their blessings. Let us also pray that they always keep close to the Savior they daily caress, and feel forever the Presence of the Holy Spirit in their hearts. ![]() Another abortion worker has stepped forward. Thank you, Jewels Green, for your courage. There's a wonderful quote from Jeannie French, founder of the National Women's Coalition for Life in which she says, "The answer to crisis pregnancy is to eliminate the crisis, not the child." Another favorite is actually from Ronald Reagan, which he probably picked up from another pro-life leaflet at some point. He made the observation that "Everyone who is pro-abortion has already been born." Funny, isn't it? It's disturbing to me that people have become so callous and hardened to this very real massacre committed worldwide. Since we've hidden these deaths under the guise of "legality" and "choice" we have immunized ourselves against the reality of what abortion is. To snuff out life, at its most innocent and basic level, is so far beyond the realm of reprehensible that I simply can't find words to highlight my heartbreak. In the coming weeks, I promised a few friends a detailed blog on abortion. At this point in time, I've had trouble voicing my opinions because the topic is so painful for me. Now that I have my own precious little boy, I can't help but put his face on all those others who never got the chance to take their first breath. I can't help but weep for those children who - while FULLY FEELING - had their lives taken in cruel, painful and inhumane ways. Thus, I will gloss over this sensitive topic until I can find the strength to delve further into the abyss of sin, selfishness, evil and disrespect that this abomination is. St. Gianna, pray for those women who are faced with this decision - that they come to appreciate the life within them and resolve to take responsibility for the choices they've made through the unyielding love and care they provide to the blessings they carry within them. St. Joseph, pray for the fathers of these children - that they have the strength, courage and wisdom to support the mothers who are faced with this decision in a moral way, and that they look with joy and responsibility upon the acceptance of so great a blessing for all eternity. I attempted to enlarge this mural so you can see some of the details a bit better. Beautiful! I think I am in love with this picture! I almost want to bow my head in gratitude and adoration of the most holy and blessed Sacrifice that renders our salvation! What hope and comfort the offering of the Eucharist must give to the souls in Purgatory!
At the base of this holy card we see an Angel of God descending into Purgatory to provide comfort to those souls who long for the Face of their God. The offering of the Mass is a huge benefit to them. Indeed, Our Lord revealed to St. Gertrude that each time a person receives the Eucharist (while in the state of grace, of course), something good happens to EVERY soul on Earth, in Heaven and in Purgatory. Wow!!! Yet again, this brings a whole new appreciation for the term "Communion of Saints." The Eucharist truly does unify all in blessing. Representing the souls of Earth are, of course, the clergy (via priest and nuns in adoration). They are central to the Eucharist, and are, as a result, closest to Christ. Just outside this nucleus are a nurse and hospice patient, a student, and a worker (scientist, maybe?). I find this wonderful. These particular persons were chosen wisely to represent the gifts the Eucharist brings each of us. Nurse: Patience and charity Patient: Strength and healing Student: Knowledge and fortitude Worker: Industry and prudence In the background, behind these people, are images of a city (industry) and what appears to be farmlands of grain (agriculture), hinting that even these things are blessed and given to us through the bounty of God. These things, too, as part of creation, also acknowledge the Divinity of God (smoke rises and turns sharply towards the Host as the grain waves upwards towards the Sacrament). And most importantly, taking up half the image itself is the Triune God, crucified together upon the Cross. God the Father upholds the Arms of His Son while the Holy Spirit supports both from above. The Blessed Mother offers Her unfathomable sacrifice in union with Theirs as does the Angel (representing, I'm sure, all angels), who collects the blood from Christ's heart. The "rays of glory" take on the faces of saints and cherubs who adore and unite with Christ in Heaven. It even looks like some of the cherubs (at His Feet) are trumpeting this Mystery! I think we sometimes forget that this Sacrifice is one and the same as that which was first offered upon Calvary. This depiction, however, brings that full circle for us, most especially by the "clock" encircling the Sacrifice. Each ray of grace and light touches upon one "hour" of the clock, signifying the timelessness of each Mass. Each offering, no matter when or where it is given, enters into the timeless miracle of the Sacrifice on Calvary. I'm still not entirely sure what the words are in between the hours, but I'm currently attempting to ascertain those. If I ever do, I'll let you know. If YOU already know, please share the knowledge!!! :) For those of you wondering where I came across this picture, it was originally found here. I contacted Father Byres regarding it, but being a hermit, he may or may not get back to me on this. Ha ha. So I did some more research and found it here as well. According to Father's blog, he originally came across this mural at a monastery in Northern Italy (I did a search of all monasteries in Italy and was unsuccessful in figuring out which one this came from - boo). Once I find out, I'll solicit proper usage confirmations, but in the spirit of sharing so awesome an image with all of you, methinks it'll be OK. At least I hope so! UPDATE: A friend of mine was kind enough to solve the puzzle for me! Special thanks to you, Pete. The words that I thought were Latin weren't Latin at all! They're cities and countries. It's almost like a circular time-zone indicator, with each city representing an hour on the "world clock." ![]() I find this story to be incredibly comforting and beautiful. To have Christ present at your own death, after having called Him thus from Heaven, is a blessing indicative of this man's acceptance of Divine Will in his life. May he rest happily in Heaven forever. This letter from our new Archbishop Chaput (sorry, Denver!) made me smile like nothing else. I could've done without the commentary above, but such is the way of the world sometimes. You must accept the thorns to accept the rose, right? I don't even know where to begin with my disgust, upset, and confusion. How did this even get started, why in the world are we just now learning about it, and who in their right mind thought this was in any way a good idea??? Finally, as the cherry atop my sundae of random, I leave you with this gem... watch it through to the end and see if you don't wanna do this at least 100 times a day. :) And yes, you're welcome! ![]() I'm a little discouraged tonight. I just got back from a committee meeting for my parish, and our opening prayer and reflection turned into a vent-session by one of our members. This isn't the first time she's redirected conversation towards venting, but it's the first time I noted this tendency spill over into prayer and reflection. I was so appalled by what and who she was venting about that I was compelled to step in. She was upset with our visiting priest's homily regarding homosexual marriage, comparing those who attempted to push it through our court systems as "weeds" (courtesy of the Parable of the Tares). She took personal offense to this due to the homosexuality of her daughter. She then attempted to vilify poor Father citing examples "from the past" that had no bearing on the current issue at hand. Her aim was to divulge a group mentality... that "most people within the parish didn't like him." Oh, my poor heart! I poorly attempted to defend Father. He was doing his job as the representative of Christ. He was not, in any way, condemning homosexuals. Much like my previous entry on this topic, he was condemning the act of homosexual SEX, and lamenting the wayward thinking of Catholics who truly believed homosexual marriage should be legal and valid by the Church. We tend to become very impassioned by this particular argument because it hits so close to home for many of us. I, for one, have relatives and friends who are homosexual. For many years, I subscribed to the fallacy that the Church was wrong on this issue. The homosexuals I knew and loved are wonderful, decent, loving individuals. How could God fault them for showing love, especially when they were powerless to choose who that special love was bestowed upon? After much reflection, I learned this mindset comes down to pride. We somehow see ourselves as smarter... more loving... wiser than the Church. In our affliction, we misunderstand the message and repackage it as on of intolerance, conservatism, stupidity, or even hate. We forget that the job of the Church is to direct souls to the Salvation ransomed through Christ. She does this by teaching the faithful right from wrong. In our love, we overlook the sin of our friends and families. We don't like to think them capable of any offense to God when they are so wonderful and good-natured otherwise. True, we like to think ourselves incapable of this displeasure as well. Yet the Church's very difficult task is to cut through the confusion and set our hearts aflame with the Truth. Our visiting priest was kind, courageous and wise to so firmly point out this growing confusion within our world-wide congregation, especially in light of the acceptance of this particular sin. He does not deserve to be attacked for amplifying the voice of the Church which only echoes that of God. Ugh, it really makes me so upset to hear anyone speak ill of a priest, even under such tense circumstances as these! Priests are called by Jesus, Himself, to fulfill His promises to us through the Eucharist. Where would we be without our priests? Where would we be without their blessings, their absolutions, their direction? Where would we be without their prayers, their offerings of Mass, their comfort??? We simply do not understand that when we speak out against a priest, we speak out against Jesus, Himself! After all, Our Lord revealed to Mutter Vogl (sometimes spelled Vogel) the following: "One should NEVER attack a priest, even when he's in error, rather one should pray and do penance that I'll grant him My grace again. He alone fully represents Me, even when he doesn't live after my example! Whoever voices judgment over a priest has voiced it over me... Every Priest is My Vicar and My Heart will be sickened and insulted because of it! If you hear a judgment (against a Priest) pray a Hail Mary." Ever since coming across these words, I've felt a strong aversion to criticism of our clergy. I do not find our clergy to be without fault, mind you, but as Jesus requested, I lay these grievances at His Feet and offer a prayer for wisdom, charity and patience on the part of whoever was less fortunate to realize this command from Christ, Himself. Oh, if only we understood the blessings our priests provide for us... even those not always in the full graces of Jesus. Even in their miserable state, they are more worthy than we who judge. Only THEY have been called by Christ to deliver Him unto the world. Only THEY have been endowed with the Spirit so that through them, the Mass can exist. We could have a million devout Catholics all praying over bread and wine with the most fervent supplications to ever grace the ears of angels and that bread and wine would still be bread and wine. ONE PRIEST, however, even in a lackluster spiritual state, has the power to call Jesus from Heaven to manifest His Glory through the Eucharist. ONE. Who, then, are we to utter any word against these men? Who are we to dare question the choice of God, Himself, in the selection and ordination of these priests? *Sigh* My heart breaks for those who do not understand the error of this mindset. Please, dearest Holy Spirit, open our minds to nothing but love and gratitude for our priests. For those members of the clergy that need our dire assistance through prayer and penance, give us patience, understanding, and charity so that we may never offend Christ through criticism. Instead, open our hearts so that we may help atone for their misdeeds and grant our requests that they once more take upon themselves the expectations You've set forth for them. ![]() Here she is, the most perfect and beloved creature ever created by God, and we desecrate her likeness in acts of hatred, fear and malice. (P.S. - Thank you, Metro, for calling out this hate crime for being exactly that... a hate crime!) Woe to the people responsible for such vicious attacks against the most honorable and virtuous Mary. We must pray that they turn from the whispers of satan. Surely he is the one behind these attacks against the Woman Clothed with the Sun, destined to crush his head. St. Michael, personal angel to our Most Blessed Mother, pray for the person or people responsible for attempting to stamp out her voice of hope. St. Joseph, pray for us, that we may ALL come to value, love and honor your "dove" as you. And dearest Jesus, please forgive us for allowing such dishonor to be rendered unto Thy Most Holy Mother, Spouse and Daughter. ![]() It occured to me today that Fr. Piotr might not be in Poland for a vacation. I wonder if THIS isn't what he went for. Granted, my overactive imagination could very well be at play, but considering each diocese is required to have one on stand-by as part of Canon law... *Grin* I love Fr. Piotr. Anyway, since Fr. Piotr is in Poland for the rest of this month, we've had a wonderful little monastic priest offering the Mass in his stead. He is very soft-spoken, slow and deliberate in his speech. I have no doubt this is very much due to his monastic lifestyle. However, his homilies have grated on the nerves of parishoners around me. They complain they can't hear him, that he doesn't make sense, or that he talks for too long. Honestly, I can't help but smile when he gets up there anymore. At first, I was taken a bit aback by his reiteration of the Gospel because I always look to a priest to expound rather than regurgitate. However, it soon dawned on me that he wanted us to REALLY listen to the words of the Gospel and find deeper appreciation and understanding within them. Sure, his homilies are upwards of 15 minutes, but I also realize this is probably the one shot he gets each week to actually speak to a congregation! He's probably overjoyed with his blessing of filling in for Fr. Piotr! Ha ha ha. That thought alone makes me so happy, because I know what it is to yearn for connection through communication. So my heart is happy for him throughout his homilies, and I'll make it a point to thank him for his time after each Mass until Fr. Piotr comes back. I should also remember to be thankful for these lengthy homilies, as I'm given more time to sit in the Presence of the Tabernacle, which contains God, Himself. Though unable to take part in Adoration (our parish doesn't currently offer that), adoring Him through the Tabernacle is the next best thing... akin to St. Joseph's adoration of the Christ-Child as he knelt before the pregnant Blessed Mother. Sometimes we forget that priests need love as well. They're not simply there to pass out Communion for us so we can say "See, God? I came to see You this week, now please grant all my requests." They, too, are human with human needs, and we must be mindful that they, too, have struggles and pains like the rest of us. Hug priests always tightly within your heart, and if ever you grow upset about the length of homilies or your inability to hear / understand his words, pray to the Holy Spirit that He may shower His Grace upon the homilist, or that He opens your ears and heart to his message. ![]() Since I decided to make the full leap back into Catholic life, I've felt very alienated from most people. My husband is content to call me crazy, my friends have either patiently remained silent "until the storm passes" or have taken some offense to my newfound zeal for the Church. It's been especially hard for me to find an outlet for the outpouring of love and excitement I have regarding my faith and my God. I have to admit, however, being blessed with one soul who is an absolute mirror to the spark in my own. She is the one responsible for pulling me back into the Church, and she's the one I continuously return to for guidance and comfort as I move forward in my "reversion." We've been friends for over 10 years now, but at no time have I ever relied so heavily on her as I have in recent weeks. Thank you, God, for sending me so patient a teacher and so loving a friend. In an attempt to find more like-minded people who loved God, His Blessed Mother and His Church, I went online and found several "Catholic" chat rooms. I entered into each, excited at the prospect of kindling a greater love of God through discussion and prayer. Instead of finding solace, I was horrified by the workings of these so-called "Catholic" chats. Most were nothing more than technological corners on which prostitutes of both sexes could whore themselves out behind the screen of anonymity. Finally, though, after weeks of loneliness, I came across the most amazing chat room ever. Not only was it truly Catholic, it was full of people who relished their Catholicism!!! Oh, my heart couldn't stop singing praises to God for the gift of finding these wonderful, wonderful people! I jumped right in, feeling as though I had found "home" amongst family. I called up my aforementioned friend and shared the good news. What a wonderful blessing! Other Catholics who made me feel I wasn't so alone... that I wasn't completely insane! Ha ha. For days I'd feel my heart skip happily at even the thought of sharing discussion of the Divine through this chat room. Unfortunately, a moderator came under the impression that I was someone I wasn't. Another chatter told me that there had been a rash of "trolling" within the room, and moderators were taking extra precautions to protect the innocence of the room (which is appreciated... something so wonderful NEEDS to be protected for the good of all who enter). Apparently my communication style was similar to one of these "trolls" and I was mistaken for him or her. As a result, my IP address was banned. At the time, I simply thought it was a glitch, not realizing that I had been misunderstood for someone else. It took a few weeks for this realization to dawn on me, and only after a particularly confusing discourse with the offending moderator. Instead of using my work computer, I could only access the room from home. So each night I'd get my fill of friendship and enlightenment. So many of these chatters helped me learn more about the various topics in question, and I am eternally grateful for their patient and generous expression of wisdom. However, I was again attacked by this misled moderator. At first, it started out innocently enough. He reprimanded me, rightly, for the downturn of conversation. Upon apologizing for any offense, I continued about the joyous chat. Not content with my reply, and still thinking I was an enemy, he roadblocked me by once more disabling my IP address, successfully cutting me off from the bounty of comfort I found within the people there. I was smart enough to save the conversation this time, and asked the administrator to assist me in rectifying this problem. It took a while, but once she got a hold of my messages, she must've realized I hadn't done anything to solicit a ban and reinstated my home IP address. Again, I was filled with an ecstatic happiness and gratefulness to God for once again placing me in the company of faithful Catholics. I was immediately welcomed back into the room by the friends I'd missed during the assault on my integrity. They, too, wondered what had happened as they saw no reason for the moderator's behavior. I didn't wish to speak poorly of a moderator who was probably just attempting to do his job, but I admit to being very slighted by this intense attack against me. I did my best to simply steer clear of him and once more fill myself with the love of God that flowed within the room. Unfortunately, he found me again and blocked me without so much as a word of warning. In fact, he did it very cowardly, by muting my communications in the room. It took me a couple minutes, but I quickly realized that no one could read what I was saying. I then realized the moderator was invisible in the room, and the only moderator who would act so childishly would be the person who has been after me since day one. I calmly asked, in the only way I could, if he was present and if I'd need to once again submit the matter to the administrator. Apparently he took this as a threat and once more I found my IP address blocked. *Shakes head* I sighed and lifted my heart to God. I recognized the devil was at play here. The devil knows of my intentions, and how inflamed I become with love of Catholicism after taking part in discussions within the room. As a result, he has attempted to stifle that conversation as best he can. Silly little demon. He doesn't understand that I have the power of God behind me, and try as he might, he can never defeat the love of Catholicism I have. So I sought out the chat on my mother's computer. I got a hold of one of my most favorite chatters to solicit his assistance. I was blessed to have him in the room at that moment, because as soon as the moderator realized who I was, I was once again booted from the room. By some miracle, my communications with him went unaltered, and I was able to send out my little SOS. Hopefully, soon, something will come of it. Until then, I remain happy to have been blessed with the chat room at all, because through it, my love and understanding of Catholicism has grown, I've met wonderful people that I wish to continue a relationship with, and hopefully, in the end, this moderator comes to his senses and realizes the error of his judgement. I sincerely pray he hasn't done this to someone else with less patience than I. God forbid he continues misusing his authority, chasing others who truly seek out the friendship of other Catholics away. Please pray for me and for the moderator who needs guidance. Though I feel a distinct pang of loneliness within my heart over this foolishness, I offer it to God in the knowledge that all is allowed by Him for His Will. Thus, if it be requested that I feel such loneliness so I rely more firmly on Him, so be it. ![]() St. John of Nepomuk, pray for confessors. St. Patrick, pray for Ireland, now entering into a frightful battle with Satan for the souls of its priests. Blessed Mother, pray for the Church, now enduring a temporal punishment for the grievous transgressions against her children. Holy Spirit, give us strength, comfort and protection. So since all my topics have been heavy the last few days, I figured I'd drop in this little ditty. It makes me smile and laugh. I hope to pass on the happy to you! *Grin*
![]() 300 of Austria's 4,200 priests decided to sign a document stating they aim to misbehave. Firefly references aside, this is again symptomatic of the growing epidemic of disobedience acting as a cancer within our Church. Priests like this are the reason why there is so much confusion regarding Catholic teaching anymore. How long have priests like this been speaking out against the Church from pulpits, in classrooms, in the confessionals? How many souls have they confused with their willful disobedience to the Holy See? I shudder to think of it! Now all priests are entitled to their opinions on the workings of things. If they see errors within the Church, it is their right to address those things that give them pause. This defiant act of arrogance, however, is an entirely different beast. If I took issue with workplace policies, I wouldn't write up an essay decrying offenses and my personal path to rectify the issues, posting it for everyone to see. I'm relatively certain I'd be fired (and rightly so!) for causing so much trouble when a simple conversation could've been had between myself and my superiors. Instead, these priests are encouraging others to accept disobedience as acceptable on the basis of pride... arrogance! This is EXACTLY the problem I have with the whole Fr. Corapi debaucle. Shameful... these men need prayers, as do their superiors who are faced with the question of what to do with them. I pray they have the guts to excommunicate every single one of them for firing off such blatant heresy. Again, people want to change the Catholic Faith to fit their own whims. That's NOT how Catholicism works. Accept that you're not Catholic and move on. Don't drag others into your hellish cycle, please. I find it interesting, however, that folks refuse to just leave the Catholic faith. I think somewhere, deep inside, they know the Church of Rome is the True Church of Christ. As a result, they want to constantly alter teaching to validate their own beliefs while "staying true to the Church." Again, the Church cannot and will not ever change teachings on faith or morals. Why? Because the Church ever echoes the Word of God, and His Word never changes. Thus, our teachings on faith and morals will never change either. SO STOP TRYING! ![]() So apparently this Mass went off without a hitch this past weekend. I didn't realize we needed an "inclusive" homosexual Mass to hit home the point that Catholics are UNIVERSAL. Should we have an Abortionists Mass next? How about a Lying Politician's Mass? Or, wait... maybe an Adulterer's Mass! This is beyond ridiculous... it is a specific move by homosexuals to attempt breaking down Church teaching regarding homosexuality. Once again, homosexuals are attemtping to gain validity for their beliefs by altering religion. You CANNOT ALTER THE WORD OF GOD! He's not gonna change His Mind on this one, folks, I'm sorry. Catholic Masses are all-inclusive. Mass and even Confession are open to all people, regardless of gender or sexual preference. However, participating in the Eucharist is reserved only for those who place themselves in a state of grace. This farce of an "event" opens the door to place homosexuals who are currently engaging in homosexual sex in a GRAVE occassion of sin. Accepting the Body of Christ while purposefully setting yourself apart from Church teaching is not only a mortal sin, it is an affront of the Divinity of Christ who ordained these acts to be contrary to His Order! Prayers are needed for this community. I truly believe the pastor was trying to do right by showing his people (and the nation) that the Church is accepting of homosexuals (just not the sin of homosexual sex), but apparently that wasn't really made clear in his homily either. *Shakes head* Satan is wiggling his way steadily through our doors. St. Michael the Archangel, we need your help. Pray for us, and help us to cast him into the depths of hell. ![]() CHILDREN ARE BLESSINGS. I have no idea why, but society has lost sight of this fact. That beautiful little face you see covered in a crown of bubbles is my son, Vincent. He's adorable, isn't he? Always smiling, always happy, and always teaching me a thing or two about patience and loving life. He's amazing, and I'm thankful every day for him! There are those, however, who look down on my decision to have children at all. Apparently it's much more "in vogue" to simply skip over having children altogether. It's chic to say "Ugh, kids? Never." It's considered "responsible" or "financially sound" to skip over diapers, bottles and saving for college tuition. In fact, there is a growing trend among young men and women to submit to invasive procedures that effectively halt any chance of children resulting from sex. I can't help but see this as an assault on the idea of family. I understand there are those folks who are simply not cut out for children. This isn't directed at them. I do recognize, however, that there is a growing trend to demonize children as soul-sucking, snot-wielding little monsters who tornado through your meticulously planned life only to leave you penniless, dazed and old while your childless peers live it up as they travel the world, become CEOs or bask in the sun on their million dollar yachts. Why is that? How have we gone from appreciating our children as blessings to viewing them as black holes of despair? I honestly feel Pope John Paul II hit the nail on the head with calling out our current Culture of Death. We no longer value human life. We no longer value the dignity of ourselves let alone others. We're so concerned with selfish ends that we scoff at anything that seems to negate those motives. Parenthood, at least when embraced correctly, is the exact opposite of selfish. Honestly, though, that's what marriage is supposed to be, too, and since we've lost sight of that, it makes sense that parenting also suffers. In a proper marriage, two people come together with the express purpose of putting the needs of the other above their own. How often does this happen anymore? It doesn't, and that's why we've secured ourselves a divorce rate that's inching over 50% in this country. This foundation of selfishness, which was granted to us by our parents and, in some cases, our grandparents, has seeped into our culture as "normal." Our current and future generations are now victims of their own misguided selfishness, and as a result, children are viewed as obstacles to personal gain instead of gifts lovingly granted by God as a means to obtain more riches than we could ever imagine! For example, a friend of mine is expecting her 3rd child. Everyone is up in arms about it. "THREE?!" they all say, incredulous. "Don't you think that's a bit much?" they ask. Ugh... I feel for her. Then I've got another friend who had her first baby three weeks ago. It was a little boy and someone actually said, "Great, you got a son! Are you guys done now?" *Face palm* How incredibly warped our sense of children has become! How incredibly senseless our comments have become when referring to them. It is heartbreaking and symptomatic of the selfishness and outright foolishness of our society. There's a wonderful anecdote about Heaven and Hell. I don't know where it's from, so pardon my inability to cite sources. A man is shown a vision of two rooms. In the first, a family sits around a large, circular table with a huge pot of the most delicious smelling stew perched at the center. Each person is holding an extremely long spoon to reach the central stew, but because the spoons are so long, they're unable to get the stew from the pot to their mouths. Each person around the table was increasingly miserable and thin, starving from the lack of food, cursing their horrid luck. The man quickly stepped into the next room. This room, too, had a large circular table with a delicious stew perched in the center. The family around this table, also, had long spoons to reach the pot. Instead of trying to turn the spoons on themselves to eat, they simply fed one another, and each had their fill of food. Through this sharing experience, the mood was joyful, happiness enriched the air and true love was felt. We've lost our sense of teamwork. Instead of working together for the greater good, we're taken with selfish motives, personal gain, arrogance and pride. We're unable to see that the tools we've been given are perfectly adequate for the job if only we'd use them properly! Children enrich us in ways impossible to fathom. They are instant joy, boundless wonder and endless inspiration. We don't see that as a society anymore because we're too concerned with how expensive they are. Plus, to have a child means to reorganize your social life priorities, and Heaven forbid we do that! I've been asked to go out plenty of times since having my son (he's 22 months old now). I've courteously bowed out when I felt my obligation was to be home with him (whether he was sick, nursing, dealing with separation axiety, etc). I've been scoffed at, belittled and even lectured for my lack of selfishness. "That's what grandparents / babysitters are for," I'm told. "You need to get away from the kids so you can reclaim your sanity a few times a week," they say. Funny that all of this "advice" comes from "friends" who have no children... or those who've handed off the better part of parenting to others so they could continue living the selfish lifestyle they've grown accustomed to. I also find it amusing that I'm told I "need" time away from my son because too much time with him is seen as "damaging" to me somehow. *Shakes head* I'm all for a little Me-Time now and again, but this constant thrust to place self above all else is a disturbing trend to me, and it's very much affecting our children and the way they are perceived. As a result, abortion is becoming more accepted, and our dignity as co-creators with God is lost through contraception and moral decay. Dear God, again I ask... may Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. We need Your Spirit to guide us through this brilliantly masterminded treachery. Help us, St. Michael. Pray for us, Blessed Mother. ![]() I apologize if this is redundant, but I can't help myself. I am beyond thrilled with the knowledge that Our Blessed Mother is the 1st living tabernacle of Jesus. After being confused about this for over a year and a half, to FINALLY reach the conclusion and have my "A-HA!" moment still gives me tummy-flutters! I've been doing more research into this, trying to uncover more images of the Blessed Mother bearing the Eucharist and came away with more than I could have imagined! I actually found the most massive tabernacle / monstrance I've ever seen. Apparently, St. Stanislaus Parish in Chicago, IL, unveiled what is thought to be the largest monstrance in the world back in May of 2008. What I love about this monstrance is the message. Through Mary, we are given the New Covenant. Through Mary, we see Jesus. Oh, how happy the heart that understands this blessing! The Blessed Mother fulfills the promises of the Old Convenant by establishing the New Covenant with her Fiat to God, the Father, giving birth to and suffering with God the Son, and establishing the early Church and protecting it through all of time with God the Holy Spirit. I apologize for the run-on, but I'm floored by this! It is incredible to me!!! ![]() The glass monstrance you see to the right is an image of Our Lady of Medjugorje, as always, holding her Son within her heart. This beautiful monstrance was a gift to Medjugorje by Polish pilgrims to mark the 30th anniversary of her apparitions. I can think of no more fitting gift to mark her pleas for prayer and faithful following of her Son's teachings than a vessel that signifies her power as intercessor, her grace as Mother of God, and her love as Our Lady of the Eucharist, calling others to adore her Son as she does in perpetuity. ![]() Finally, I think this this one might just be my favorite. Yup, definitely. This wooden monstrance, created by Simboli Studios, depicts the Blessed Mother holding, close to her Immaculate Heart, Christ Jesus. The look of adoration on her holy face says it all. This singular monstrance teaches us exactly what the Blessed Mother is: The 1st, most perfect, most holy, and most loving monstrance of God. She teaches us to adore Him as she does, to hold Him close to our hearts as she does. She teaches us to gaze upon Him always, fully trusting that His Love and His Will are forever and wholly perfect. Oh, if only more churches had this monstrance! Eucharistic Adoration would be so beneficial, because it is the Mother of God, herself, who acts as our role-model!!! ![]() Our pastor is away this month, visiting family in Poland. We had a visiting priest this weekend, and he melted my heart before Mass! I arrived very early because I wanted to spend some time in prayer before the Tabernacle. Since we don't have Eucharistic Adoration, the time before the Tabernacle (or during Communion) is the closest I get. Anyway, when I arrived at the church, I noticed our visiting priest sitting in the Sanctuary dressed in his alb and stole. I thought for a second that he was there awaiting anyone looking for Confession. So I found my pew and knelt in prayer. A few minutes later, I glanced up and noticed Father was still sitting in silent contemplation. He was taking part in adoration as well!!! That made me so happy! He, too, wanted to bask in the Presence of Jesus. I haven't seen a priest "prep" for Mass like this in such a long, long time. It made me happy. I hope all of them often get a chance to sit with the Lord in contemplation. :) ![]() Fr. Corapi, how do you intend to lead a flock towards Christ when you show no example of walking in the Light yourself? You are now disobeying DIRECT ORDERS from your superiors because of prideful arrogance. Please, Father Corapi, do not forget this is exactly the first sin that Adam and Eve bestowed upon humanity. I truly do understand your anger and frustration regarding the methods of the Church, but they're put in place for a reason. They exonerated Padre Pio, they glorified the work of St. Faustina, and even Jesus gained immense glory in humbling His Divinity before the chair of Pilate, remaining silent as horrible accusations were paraded before Him. You are leading faithful Catholics away from the Church. These people are misguided, following you because the words you once spoke, the ones that were unified with the Church and endowed gracefully to you by the Holy Spirit, once filled them with love for Christ. Now? Due to your credibility with them, the foundation you've laid, it is so easy to lead them astray under the guise of justice. This is NOT justice! This is arrogance. This is disobedience. This is SIN. Turn away from this path of self-aggrandizement. Please! For the sake of not just your own soul, but the souls of those who blindly follow you into discord with Christ's Church. I beg of you. Turn back to the Mercy of Jesus while there is still time to do so. Don't become so far removed that you lose sight of the way Home. And please, cease this foolish "Black Sheepdog" business. I understand you fancy the term because it sounds so smart... so layered with metaphoric meaning. You know what it represents, though? It represents your WILLINGNESS to turn your back on the title chosen for you by God, Himself. You would rather be known as a dog? An ANIMAL? Father Corapi, you were called to be a PRIEST - a FATHER. How can you cast away such dignity? How can you endure the darkness after having lived in the light? Fr. Corapi, come back, and take the rest of your wayward "flock" with you. These people turned to you because you promised the Way of Christ. This is NOT His Way. Do not continue on this path. Please. The Blessed Mother and Christ cry out to you. Heed their call! ![]() You get two today simply because I finally read the SOLT press release concerning Fr. Corapi. Prayers are needed for this currently misguided priest. I once again direct you to my Open Letter to Fr. Corapi. *Shakes head* This is a sad situation, indeed. Heartbreaking not only to the thousands of converts and followers he's amassed, but for those he's leading astray and those who see where that misdirection is really headed. Mary, Mother of Priests, please storm Heaven with your Angels in a fervent intercession for Fr. Corapi's enlightenment, obedience and repentance. Fr. Corapi, Jesus weeps for you and those you are leading away from Him. Even though these are difficult times for you, do not turn away from His love and mercy. Even if these allegations be false, God expects MORE from you than just arrogance and pride. Obey your superiors, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you humble yourself to their wishes. God cannot work through hardened hearts, so open yours to His Will and He will set the record straight in His time. Do not continue on this path - come back, and bring with you those you've misled. How can you not see the damage you are doing? This goes against everything you once stood for. You're trading in your title of Father (given to you by Blessed Pope John Paul II, mind you!) for this "Black Sheepdog" concoction you relish in. You are content to cast off your priestly ministry in order to follow your own path... in order to do things YOU see fit? May Padre Pio and St. Faustina be your guides right now. Fr. Corapi, my prayers are with you. They are especially with those are have been mislead and confused by your response to this situation. |
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