![]() I found this painting (by Sir David Wilkie) which made me feel somewhat better about what I ended up doing on Saturday night. I had lost my sitter, and all other family / friends were either on vacation or on business. As a result, I was left with Vincent and an unfinished confession in order to take advantage of the Portiuncula Indulgence. I guess the devil REALLY didn't want me making my confession. Well, I took Vincent with me anyway. I knew it wasn't going to be the best confession I could possibly make, but at the same time, I wasn't going to let an angry little demon keep me from offering this indulgence to a soul in purgatory. I packed a couple cars and a nursery rhyme book Vince had never seen (I was hoping the novelty would keep him occupied), and off we went. Since we were early, we were able to enter the confessional after a quick prayer in the pew. Since Vince would've been scared of the dark confessional, I opted for the face-to-face mini-room. I peeked in at our wonderful monastic priest (still filling in for Fr. Piotr), and he had the biggest grin on his face when he saw Vincent tottering towards him. I hadn't even closed the door behind us and Vincent was climbing up Father's lap! Ha ha. Father dutifully picked him and and let Vincent see his rosary (which Vincent was only slightly interested in... he wanted the crucifix around Father's neck!). I was blushing profusely, apologizing to Father for the unseemly intrusion, but he brushed it off, seemingly happy I was there at all let alone with a wonderful baby boy who was happy to giggle with him. I pulled his book from my bag and placed it next to me. Vince slid off Father's lap and sat down to play with his new book (a gift from the priest who baptized Vincent). I knelt between Vince and Father (in an attempt to keep Vincent from running off) and Father began the sacrament. I followed suit and got through maybe two or three trespasses when Vincent bolted for the door. Grabbing Vince, I again apologized to Father who only smiled and said, "This is your prayer life. Raising this little boy should be your constant prayer life. In the morning, roll out of bed and just ask the Lord to give you the grace to do everything - diapers, feeding, playing and scolding him - in His Will. Ask Him to do it through you, and offer it all as your prayer. Then, when he naps, you can do your prayers as we think of them." He was telling me to live the Divine Will!!! Are you kidding me??? I love it!!! I think Father realized confession wasn't going to be much more conducive, 'cause he immediately gave me my penance and started the absolution process. I don't think he was rushing me... I didn't feel that way at all. I think he felt my time was better spent wrangling Vincent and knew my intention was pure. Seriously - I heart that little priest! He's so wonderful. Before we left, he made sure to give Vincent a special blessing, and Vincent just babbled happily to him in thanks. So even though I was kind of nervous about taking Vince in with me (and I certainly wouldn't again unless I was painted into another corner), it turned out rather nicely, and from the above artwork I found... I must not have been the only mother to ever have found herself alone and in need of confession. Ha!
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