Fr. Corapi, how do you intend to lead a flock towards Christ when you show no example of walking in the Light yourself? You are now disobeying DIRECT ORDERS from your superiors because of prideful arrogance. Please, Father Corapi, do not forget this is exactly the first sin that Adam and Eve bestowed upon humanity. I truly do understand your anger and frustration regarding the methods of the Church, but they're put in place for a reason. They exonerated Padre Pio, they glorified the work of St. Faustina, and even Jesus gained immense glory in humbling His Divinity before the chair of Pilate, remaining silent as horrible accusations were paraded before Him. You are leading faithful Catholics away from the Church. These people are misguided, following you because the words you once spoke, the ones that were unified with the Church and endowed gracefully to you by the Holy Spirit, once filled them with love for Christ. Now? Due to your credibility with them, the foundation you've laid, it is so easy to lead them astray under the guise of justice. This is NOT justice! This is arrogance. This is disobedience. This is SIN. Turn away from this path of self-aggrandizement. Please! For the sake of not just your own soul, but the souls of those who blindly follow you into discord with Christ's Church. I beg of you. Turn back to the Mercy of Jesus while there is still time to do so. Don't become so far removed that you lose sight of the way Home. And please, cease this foolish "Black Sheepdog" business. I understand you fancy the term because it sounds so smart... so layered with metaphoric meaning. You know what it represents, though? It represents your WILLINGNESS to turn your back on the title chosen for you by God, Himself. You would rather be known as a dog? An ANIMAL? Father Corapi, you were called to be a PRIEST - a FATHER. How can you cast away such dignity? How can you endure the darkness after having lived in the light? Fr. Corapi, come back, and take the rest of your wayward "flock" with you. These people turned to you because you promised the Way of Christ. This is NOT His Way. Do not continue on this path. Please. The Blessed Mother and Christ cry out to you. Heed their call!
You get two today simply because I finally read the SOLT press release concerning Fr. Corapi. Prayers are needed for this currently misguided priest. I once again direct you to my Open Letter to Fr. Corapi. *Shakes head* This is a sad situation, indeed. Heartbreaking not only to the thousands of converts and followers he's amassed, but for those he's leading astray and those who see where that misdirection is really headed. Mary, Mother of Priests, please storm Heaven with your Angels in a fervent intercession for Fr. Corapi's enlightenment, obedience and repentance. Fr. Corapi, Jesus weeps for you and those you are leading away from Him. Even though these are difficult times for you, do not turn away from His love and mercy. Even if these allegations be false, God expects MORE from you than just arrogance and pride. Obey your superiors, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you humble yourself to their wishes. God cannot work through hardened hearts, so open yours to His Will and He will set the record straight in His time. Do not continue on this path - come back, and bring with you those you've misled. How can you not see the damage you are doing? This goes against everything you once stood for. You're trading in your title of Father (given to you by Blessed Pope John Paul II, mind you!) for this "Black Sheepdog" concoction you relish in. You are content to cast off your priestly ministry in order to follow your own path... in order to do things YOU see fit? May Padre Pio and St. Faustina be your guides right now. Fr. Corapi, my prayers are with you. They are especially with those are have been mislead and confused by your response to this situation. I know I'm tardy to the party, but I felt I needed a few days to digest everything. I think Fr. Corapi's an amazing priest who has a true gift for preaching and teaching the Gospel. However, this whole "Black Sheepdog" business is getting ridiculous. A single question keeps resounding in my mind, and I can't shake it. The question is simple: Fr. Corapi, do you understand the pain you cause Jesus and His Most Blessed Mother with your pride? You have been blessed with an abundance of Grace. God hand-picked you, plucking you from your life of misery, calling you to shepherd His people towards His Mercy. You are so knowledgable, so charismatic! You seem to forget, however, that these are gifts that have been granted to you by the Holy Spirit... not for your own glorification, but for the glorification of God. You, my good priest, have been placed on such a high pedestal by those who have clung to your words. Fr. Corapi, these words are not YOURS. They came from the Holy Spirit. You were chosen worthy among so many others to bring the Light of God... the Light of His Mercy... into the hearts of the Church. And now, because your ego has been bruised, you turn away from these gifts. You turn away from these graces that have been so abundantly poured out on you! You stifle the Light within your own heart because you think you can "go it alone." Dear, dear Father Corapi, you are nothing without the Church. How do you not understand that the frustrated words you speak are spoken against your own Lord? How do you not understand that He felt the pain of your betrayal as He bore His Cross up to Calvary? Fr. Corapi, I assure you, Jesus was clearly thinking of you, too, when He bowed His Sacred Head and begged His Father for forgiveness. The Blessed Mother weeps for the pain inflicted upon Her Son's Precious Body... for the pain inflicted upon His Sacred Heart. You have been entrusted with so much, and you turn away for what? PRIDE? Please, Fr. Corapi, let me remind you that Jesus was accused of far worse as they beat and scourged His Flesh. Let me please remind you that Jesus stood accused in front of the very same people who laid palm branches at His Feet not a week earlier. Let me remind you that He bore the shame, the hurt, the humility and the indescribable pain in silence... accepting only the Will of the Father for the Salvation of Mankind. If these allegations be false, Father Corapi, then accept the method of His Church - YOUR Church - and patiently have faith that all is the Will of the Father. Padre Pio and Saint Faustina are perfect examples of how God sometimes uses such extremes of humility to bring about His Glory. Take heed, dear Father, take heed. Offer these sacrifices for the conversion of souls... for those in Purgatory... for the intentions of the Pope! No suffering allowed by the Lord is in vain. All is for His Will and the Salvation of souls. If these allegations be honest, Father Corapi, then accept the Mercy of God and once again be an example to all of us that Mercy can be obtained through a contrite and resolute heart. But please, Father Corapi, halt your assault on your Bride. She is your Church, and you are angrily lashing out against Her for the wrong reasons. Jesus will defend His Bride, just as you, His hand-picked representative, should. My prayers are with you - and they are with all those who seek to follow you away from Christ. Meditate on the Sorrowful Mysteries, Fr. Corapi. Meditate on Saint Faustina's teachings, on Padre Pio's example. Ask the Holy Spirit for clarity and strength. Do not continue down this road. You are meant for better. |
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