![]() Pieta - by Jason Jenicke Brace yourselves for yet another of Bl. Anne Catherine's visionary stupifiers! While delving into the days before Our Lady's death, St. Anne saw her giving directives on what should happen to her few worldly possessions. One cloth, in particular, drew Bl. Anne's attention. This cloth had a supreme light about it, was woven of the finest materials and stark white where there wasn't large amounts of dried blood. She was given to understand that this cloth was used by Our Lady as she cradled her Son in her arms after He was taken from the Cross. She tenderly wiped at His Blood stained Body, using her tears as cleansing salve. She lovingly removed the spittle, the sweat, and the dirt away from His Face with this cloth, which she then safeguarded as a precious relic. Our Lady made known to Bl. Anne Catherine that this cloth was the original purificator. All cloths used since to wipe chalices are used in a similar manner. I wonder how many priests realize this! As they wipe the Chalice of Christ's Blood, they take on the role of Our Lady as she accepted the Body of her Beloved Son from the Cross. Just as they wipe away the traces of Blood and spittle, Our Lady did first as she caressed His Face and Body, allowing her tears to fall as rain over Him. At Mass today, I could have wept as I saw our pastor using the purificator. I never realized just what that action meant until seeing it through Bl. Anne's eyes... through Our Lady's eyes. The thought is so humbling, so moving, so heart-breaking that I could think of nothing else as I knelt after receiving. I'm so glad I found the above artwork (by Jason Jenicke, an incredible artist I found by absolute accident!). It is simply the perfect summation of my feelings - I think I'll see this image every time I see purificators now.
6/10/2012 03:15:11 am
This is such a beautiful meditation... I love Bl. Anne Catherine... And I love the way you write and think ;)
In His service
7/31/2012 01:15:07 am
This is beautiful. I wash the altar linens from our church and will never look at purificators the same again. I will share this article with our pastor and put a copy in the linens drawer. Thank you for your article.
7/31/2012 02:23:27 am
Bless you for your service to His Church! What a wonderful idea with the linens drawer!!! If only we all understood this blessed insight that Our Lady has given us. Bless you, bless you, bless you. :)
Patricia Cecilia
8/13/2012 07:56:48 am
I, too, have been one of those ladies caring for altar linens and this is such a beautiful meditation--thank you. I posted a link on FB with the title "Another reason I will be in tears at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass..." as I am often overwhelmed at Mass (from the Canon forward, and particularly at the Ecce, Agnus Dei.
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