Forgive me in advance if this seems ridiculous and incredibly superstitious of me to post. I'm going to post it, anyway, because it unsettled me enough that I figured I'd pass along the lesson I learned from it. The below photo is of my son's dresser-top. He's got St. Michael defeating Satan, a crucifix, Our Lady, and a guardian angel statue that my mother had given him when he was a baby. He's also got the little elephant bank I made for him before I'd even known I was having a little boy. Anyway, the last few days I've noticed that my statues were turned funny. At first I didn't think anything of it. John sometimes uses the dresser to hold Vince's clothes, so if the statues got moved around a bit, it was likely because John had pushed them aside to make room for clothes or toys or something. So I've been putting them back in their proper places almost daily. I haven't, however, been putting the crucifix back up. Actually, the crucifix doesn't belong on the dresser at all. I've been meaning to hang it up in Vince's room, but I just haven't gotten around to it. So, since it's temporarily homeless, I've just laid it flat on the dresser. Here's why I'm posting this: I found the blessed statues - AGAIN - in the same exact position before I put Vince to bed. I was so unsettled by their placement because it looked as if they'd been positioned deliberately. St. Michael was exactly where I'd left him, but Our Lady and the guardian angel statues were looking directly at the crucifix. DIRECTLY. It was as if someone had turned them both to face the crucifix. Since St. Michael already does face it, I guess he didn't need to be moved. This is exactly how I'd been finding them recently, but when I found them again, I had this feeling of purpose... someone moved them for a reason.
At first I thought it was John playing a trick on me. I called downstairs and asked if he was trying to mess with my head. He actually made fun of me and suggested we had a ghost. *Sigh* He then suggested that Vince was moving them because he might be scared of statues looking at him in the night. Vince can't move them. First, they're up too high. Second, I'm typically in the room with him until he falls asleep, and when he wakes up, he immediately comes into our room. There's no time for him to move them. Plus, why would Vince move them in the same exact manner over and over again? So my conclusion is an angel. Since the statues were arranged to repeatedly look at the crucifix that I'd had lying down (as opposed to propped up or hanging on a wall like it should be), I figured that one of our spiritual friends wasn't too happy that I was treating the symbol of our salvation in so careless a manner. If the statues, themselves, were able to adore the Crucified Savior, then I'd better get my butt in gear and do the same. So, no more crucifix lying down on the dresser. I don't have the hanging material to make sure it's up tonight, but I'll be getting a proper setting for it so it goes up on the wall as it should. It's propped just as you see in the above photo. I think that will take care of my statues surprising me henceforth. Thus, my lesson. I don't think crucifixes should ever be lying down anywhere. I don't know if there's a rule against it or anything, but given my recent experience, I certainly won't be letting them lie flat anymore.
5/6/2013 04:46:06 am
Some years back (at least 20), I decided to begin saying the rosary on a daily basis. I bought a "rosary tape", and began to say the rosary each afternoon using the tape as a guide. Within several days, the first rosary broke and I had to find another. The second rosary was one given to me by my mother and it was a prized possession because she had picked it up on a trip to Fatima. Once again, within days, the prized rosary broke. After breaking the third rosary, I saw where this was headed and went online to a Catholic store and bought SEVEN rosaries of all shapes, sizes and construction (one was a polyester rosary that CAN'T be broken no matter how hard one tries!). I had all the rosaries blessed by a priest, and I've never had any problems since then.
5/10/2013 08:28:22 pm
Oh wow! The rosary experience IS quite interesting! Unsurprising given the rosary being "the weapon" and all, but wow!
5/6/2013 02:33:09 pm
That IS weird. Haven't you also mentioned you have been having problems with your internet service? Given all this, maybe you should do what Deo Volente suggested above. I make it a practice to go through all the rooms of my house at least once a year and bless each room with holy water, especially sprinkling it in the form of a cross on the windows and doors. I usually say something like, "Bless this space, O Lord, and cast out anything that is not of You, for You, with You or through You." But I think Deo is right, you should have a priest come too.
5/10/2013 08:29:13 pm
I hadn't thought about the internet... that's a good point, but thankfully it seems to be resolved.
5/21/2013 02:51:52 pm
I second your conclusion. Those angels can be lovely "busybodies".
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