![]() Well, the gay rights lobby is at it again with their fake indignation and trumped up discrimination allegations. I'm just about done with them whining about every little thing that doesn't coddle their every self-centered inclination. By now, I'm sure most of you have seen the kerfluffle caused by trolls at the annual St. Patrick's Day Parades in New York and Boston. These are two of the biggest parades in the world that celebrate St. Patrick's life and legacy. Of COURSE these yahoos would take it upon themselves to instigate trouble when they'd have a worldwide audience. I just hate that companies and politicians went and supported this stupidity without stopping to question the legitimacy of those doing the whining. They're upset because they can't run around with banners labeling them as gay? Cry me a rainbow river, why don't you? Pro-Life groups can't march under a banner any more than gay groups can. Where are all the pro-life unions that are decrying that their dignity is being threatened? Where are all the Italian-Americans? Where are all the lovers of ice-cream and chocolate? The pro-puppy groups? Oh yeah - none of them have anything to gain by feigning discrimination. None of them are looking to bait an entire population into feeling sorry for them. ARGH - I'm so sick of people stupidly falling for this. How did our population come to exchange common sense and critical reasoning for Kim Kardashian and buzz words? ARGH!!! ARGH!!! ARGH!!! I'm just so beyond done with always being labeled a bigot or a homophobe because I see this for the charade it so blatantly is. This sort of fake discrimination touted by the gay lobby is BLATANTLY FALSE and no one seems to care. Why does no one care?!?!?!
Nicole P.
3/19/2014 09:41:28 pm
Lately, whenever there's a heartwarming story posted online, someone will say "it has all the feels." What's thy version of that for when something aggravates the crap out of you? It has all the hates? It has all the stupids? Whatever it is, this story has it. And so does this one : http://www.buzzfeed.com/tonymerevick/cincinnati-archdiocese-adds-extreme-restrictions-to-teacher?s=mobile
3/20/2014 02:27:42 am
I agree with the Archdiocese's right to do do this. As they pointed out, this isn't new. Just because they spelled it out on account of folks who obviously didn't understand it doesn't make the contract anti-gay.
Nicole P.
3/20/2014 04:30:51 am
It just kills me that the LGBT community is making this all about them, again! The story makes a point of saying that there are other situations that can get a teacher in trouble -- living together before marriage, have a child out of wedlock, support abortion, etc., all things that go against Catholic doctrine. I don't understand how his is a surprise to anyone, or why it's so upsetting the the HRC. I was pleasantly surprised by a lot of the commenters common sense in stating First Amendment rights and the simple solution for LGBT teachers is to work elsewhere. I thought they would be all lathered up about the "injustice."
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