Who has two thumbs and a position working for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia? THIS GIRL! Okay, so I don't exactly have my thumbs pointing at myself in this one, but I look pretty awesome with those aviators (which is exactly how I feel on account of the fact that I get to work for the Archdiocese!!!). GAH!!! THE ARCHDIOCESE OF PHILADELPHIA!!! I'm so excited! To work in the service of the Archdiocese that opened the gates of the Faith to me... wow. I just can't even express how gratified I am to be given this opportunity. Given the fact that the Archdiocese is hurting right now, I am ESPECIALLY happy to be able to toss my services their way. I will be taking a significant pay-cut, but the way I look at it, I'm gaining so much in place of it. I'll be working right next to the Basilica, I'd likely be able to stop in during lunch breaks to say "Hi" to Jesus, I'll be working with other Catholics (culture shock!), and I might even get to ride the elevator with Archbishop Chaput. Pardon me while I squeal again in girlish delight... Wow, though. I almost can't believe how this practically fell in my lap. What a gift!
A friend of mine works for the Archdiocese and let me know a position was available. Within 20 minutes of sending my resume, I had an interview scheduled. The interview, itself, was fun (I'm a nerd that way), and less than a week later I got the offer. Attempting to convince my atheist husband that taking a pay-cut to go work for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia was entertaining, but God was good and removed even that obstacle from my path. John is supportive of this move, I think, because he sees how incredibly exuberant I am. He definitely cringed a bit at first, but after explaining to him what I'd be doing (and seeing how happy just explaining it made me), he agreed it'd be a good move. So once I made sure all was well with me leaving my current position for the Archdiocesan one, I formally accepted their offer. I begin in September. Deo gratias!
Missy Farber
8/10/2012 09:12:07 am
Congratulations! I hope you experience growth and blessings from God. What is your position?
8/13/2012 02:43:42 pm
Sent you a PM Missy. Thanks! :) <3
Nicole P.
8/10/2012 01:39:26 pm
Congratulations! Whatever you'll be doing, I know you'll fit right it. You couldn't have found a better fit for you :)
8/13/2012 02:44:32 pm
Amen! And the best part? This totally found me. I just happened upon my friend's update at the right moment. That friend being the awesome Megan below!
8/11/2012 03:08:16 pm
I am so happy that you are happy!!
8/13/2012 02:45:08 pm
8/14/2012 09:20:34 am
Emergency button...
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