![]() Whoa with the hating on my husband, ladies! While you're at it, slow your roll with the ridiculous accusations against me, too! Sheesh. I'd like to take a quick moment to express my sincerest gratitude for those of you sent prayers and messages upon reading My Darkest Secret (either through Facebook threads, this blog or e-mail). I've been humbled and deeply touched by your thoughtfulness, love and generosity. Considering how difficult posting that entry was, you each made it worthwhile with the support, gentleness and understanding you showed. Please know I'll be keeping you all in my prayers. I have to admit I was not expecting the sort of response that was received. Apparently this was picked up by a page called "Guggie Daily" on Facebook. From there, it was shared (a woman named Mattie apparently posted this to every group known to man), Twittered, and e-mailed all over the place. Wow! Considering this is an unknown little blog in the corner of nowhere, I was really surprised to see the flood of comments and e-mails. Most have been very kind and supportive. As I said above, I am so grateful for that. Some comments have been slightly confusing, and others have been outright mean. I felt I needed to respond to those latter comments in a general way in the hopes that folks see this as they're scrolling down to troll. The majority of the "mean" comments can be broken into a few categories. They are: 1. Divorce John. He's a horrible, evil minion of Satan. 2. You should be ashamed of yourself for setting the feminist movement back [insert number] years. 3. You obviously don't understand what the Church's teaching on annulment is, because if you did, you'd totally do it. 4. You are writing this entry to be a spiteful, manipulative jerk in an effort to guilt your husband into giving you children. 5. You're both going to hell. Him for using birth control, and you for allowing him to do it. 6. You don't really care about your son because if you did, you'd be fighting a lot harder to make sure he gets siblings. And my favorite: 7. You just ruined Santa Claus for me. I wonder if it was MY neighbor all along, too. Ha ha - okay, obviously that last one was sent by a reader, George, who understands the power of a good joke. Thank you, George! Those others, however, were recurring themes in many of the responses I got. In fact, several messages had combinations of most included! So instead of answering each one individually (or deleting them en masse again), here is my response. Divorce John. He's a horrible, evil minion of Satan. Look, I get that he hates washing the dishes, is color blind and hates HGTV. Fine. And this whole issue of being afraid of the financial / time / emotional strain that future children could place on our family? Yeah, okay... it's a little tough to swallow at times. But labeling him a follower of Satan? There's this thing called hyperbole. You're totally doing it right, but maybe it'd be best to leave such literary devices to poetry. You're setting "the movement" back a bazillion years. I didn't realize that making a sacrifice (albeit a painful one) for the good of my family was setting the bra-burners back a few decades. One of the Facebook users who commented on my situation had a profile photo of herself in a bathroom wearing her underwear. I'm serious. I wish I was kidding. Anyway, she said something along the lines of me being the type of woman who endures years of being barefoot and pregnant, scrubbing mountains of dishes and piles of laundry, never able to find satisfaction in anything not related to serving my man. Sheesh. Really? Is that how my entry REALLY came across? Let me assure you that, though I do like being barefoot (and would certainly like to be pregnant again), I don't make it a point to spend all my free time washing dishes for "my man." Granted, I also don't spend my time in bathrooms taking half-naked photos of myself in order to generate "OMG, you're so hot!" comments from him, either. John and I have discussed this repeated times. This isn't an area one can compromise on, and thus, I willingly make this sacrifice for the good of my family because I love and respect them, myself, and any potential children enough to do it. If this is considered weakness, I'd be curious to know what you consider strength to be. Also, judging me for my desire to be a good wife and mother goes directly against that whole feminist idea of women being enabled to do that which they believe is right for them. Or do you not note the hypocrisy of your own words? You don't know what annulment is, 'cause if you did... I sincerely wonder if the folks who accused me of this actually understand annulment even half as well as I do. If they did, they'd understand why an annulment (even by Church standards) is out of the question from a moral standpoint. When John and I married one another, we did it with the full knowledge of what it was we were signing on for. We had discussed children and we were pretty much on the same page for everything. We loved (and continue to love) one another, and we strive to think of the other person in all we do. With the exception of the openness to children, nothing has changed. To request that the Church deem our marriage invalid because he changed his mind AFTER the fact is fallacious. Also, it's pointless as this particular issue is something we have reached an agreement on for the good of our family as a whole. To go through a pointless process when we still wish to remain as a family is so beyond the realm of common sense that I really do kinda shake my head in wonder at these folks who are so quick to "give up" the second something difficult comes up. No wonder divorce rates are so high (and cheap) in this country. Folks are so busy thinking about themselves that the second a sacrifice is necessary, they head for the hills. You are a spiteful, manipulative jerk! I definitely can be, but this most certainly isn't one of those times. Considering this blog was relatively unknown until it got picked up by folks on Facebook, I didn't think it'd get further than the tiny circle of followers I've amassed. Also, John will likely never read this. He doesn't have to, because he already knows my feelings. I set this off into cyberspace because writing is therapeutic for me. It also helps me better understand my own thought-process and feelings. This had nothing to do with guilting John. How could it when there's really very little chance of it ever effecting him? That's just silly. You're both going to hell. Eh, you're probably right. ;) In all seriousness though, since John doesn't believe in Catholicism, the idea of birth control being sinful is foreign to him. So though it'd still be a sin, it can't be a mortal one because he doesn't have the proper knowledge necessary for it to be a mortal, hell-inducing sin. Also, I cannot be held responsible for John's decision to use birth control (he's the one who uses it, not me). In as plain a way as possible, take this illustration: Mike hits Jane. Jane feels pain. Mike sinned, but Jane did not. When they die in a fiery explosion later that afternoon, Mike will be punished for his sin. Jane, being blameless (unless she's the one who caused the fiery explosion of doom), will not be judged. Kinda straightforward, right? You don't care about Vince 'cause if you did, you'd fight... Oh yeah - 'cause that makes any sense.
So I apologize that this is a little more negative than my entries tend to be. But in light of recent developments, I thought it prudent to dispel these things from the gate. Blessings to all of you, and thank you for your continued prayers!
4/27/2012 08:43:07 am
lol! wow! did he read your blog though? what did he think?
4/27/2012 01:37:18 pm
Hey, Theresa... I see this got tacked onto one of your posts, too, huh?
4/27/2012 02:03:26 pm
Oh, and no - he didn't read it and he won't. I don't expect him to. As I've stated before, he is already 120% aware of my feelings considering all the heart-to-hearts we've had about it. 4/27/2012 10:14:13 am
WHAT??!! You have a difficult, not-so-squeaky-clean situation and you are not abandoning your husband?! You spiteful, manipulative, backward, lost soul married to satan! As an infallible all-knowing lay person, I condemn you!
4/27/2012 01:38:20 pm
I really wish I could put a "like" button on these comments!!!
4/27/2012 10:20:02 am
PS. Writing to cyberspace IS very therapuetic... I used it myself, and needed to use humor as well to deal with the haters (my favorite was when someone said "I'm reporting you to the Diocesan Office of Mission Effectiveness") I actually laughed hysterically when I got that in my inbox. I wrote back, is there seriously an office called that, because that's hilarious! So I made even more jokes about it.
Marie Bernadette
4/27/2012 11:15:58 am
I just love the comment from shalimamma:
4/27/2012 01:39:52 pm
My appreciation for your prayers. I noticed you commented on the Pew Snobs entry, too. Isn't that the most irritating thing?!
Nicole P.
4/30/2012 08:06:42 am
I find it completely ridiculous that people have criticized you for your "Secret" post! I always feel like people who don't see how important compromise is in a relationship (even when it's painful) have never really been is a serious, truly loving one.
Praying for You
5/3/2012 12:37:10 am
My question is a sincere one, not meant to be judgmental or silly. How did you decide to marry John when it seems that you are Catholic and he is not? I always knew I'd marry a Catholic man if not for this exact problem - faithful and practicing Catholics see the world in a very different way than most of society. I wasn't raised in an oppressively strict religious home, but we celebrated the sacraments, went to church every Sunday, participated in various ministries, and received Catholic educations. Being a practicing Catholic was something I knew I wanted before most other qualities in a man. Does he practice any faith? Also, just as a side-note, my husband and I have been trying for a family for nearly our entire marriage (almost five years). Your pain IS very similar to mine. After surgery to remove endometriosis, we finally conceived, but lost the pregnancy early. We are still praying for a baby, but you're right, the suffering does become a sort of sacrifice that you are willing to make for Christ. Despite the pain, crying, (and anxiety of responding to questions/comments), I believe that God has something in store for me that is more beautiful and wonderful than I could ever imagine. And I believe that he has this in store for you, too. God Bless.
Hello, and thank you so much for your prayers. That's very kind of you. Please know you and your husband (and your very, very special intention) will henceforth be kept in mine.
5/16/2012 06:59:30 am
I'm sorry that you have found yourself in this situation...what a sacrifice you are making. I usually don't reply to blogs but I really felt called to reply to this one. I would really encourage you to look into the Churches teaching on contraceptives. I know you have mentioned that HE is using the birth control but YOU are knowingly engaging in sexual relations that you KNOW are sterile. Not sure but I really don't think your logic here is sound. I will be praying for you.
5/16/2012 07:18:01 am
I appreciate your prayers, Natalie. However, I feel I must redirect your response because of the crowd of women following this.
5/16/2012 08:24:09 am
To be honest with you upon further investigation I have found that a clear answer to is not easy to find...I would talk to a priest. Also I would have to mention that their is no reason that you can't use NFP yourself. You could easily track your cycles and only agree to sexual acts when it is your unfertile time. That way even though he is using a condom you know that you wouldn't get pregant at that time anyway.
5/16/2012 08:39:24 am
Thank you, Natalie.
Karen Swift
7/20/2012 02:30:32 am
I followed the link in your Dark Secret entry to this page and read through it a couple times. I didn't read all the commentary in the last entry, but I mostly did on this on. Sorry if you answered it already but I'm still confused.
7/20/2012 03:34:57 am
So you're not actually "confused" by anything. You're simply convinced that I'm going to hell and taking my husband with me.
7/31/2012 08:11:13 am
Hi Gina-
I just wanted to say thank you for this article. I went through the same thing with my husband (who was not raised Catholic). It was very painful. However I never shared it with anone either because of the shame & judgment. (Oh, how uncharitable some Christians are) I loved my husband & I too believed that my marriage was a series of vows & covenants. They overlap sometimes and you do have to make sacrifices. My husband became Catholic and changed 99% of all his beliefs. But this was one that had been drilled into him by his family & society. So what are you to do? Throw away everything else because, as you said, you are unwilling to "trick" or "manipulate" them?
9/15/2012 06:46:44 pm
7/31/2012 08:41:00 am
This all reminds me of my own time of fertility back in the 70's when the feminist movement was going strong and you were made to feel that you were committing the gravest sin against society and the environment if you were found pregnant more than once.... or twice at the most. Birth control was expected and even condoned by the priests from the pulpit in our area. Liberal Catholicism was a real growing force and when Pope Paul VI's encyclical on human life came out our parish priest got up in the pulpit and said that we could follow our own conscience! In private the priests we talked to insinuated that the Pope was old and out of touch with reality and it was only a matter of time before things would change. Women who stayed at home were a real drag on society and only women who worked were worth something. My husband, a Catholic, was a teacher and earning little so he was not eager for more responsibilities. I had always loved children and babies and wanted a large family but felt pressured into using birth control and continuing to work as a nurse on weekends and all school vacation days, full time in the summer months. All the time I prayed that the birth control would fail as it does often enough. At one point my doctor was urging me to get my tubes tied because I had had some complications with my pregnancies. My husband was also encouraging this and I keenly felt the pressure of "society". I decided to consult with our pastor hoping he would tell me I would be committing a serious sin if I even considered sterilization. My pastor recommended that I go ahead and have the procedure done. At that point, true or false, I felt out of options and had my tubes tied during a C-section. In my later years I have regretted many of the decisions I made as a wife and mother as I came to realize the seriousness of my sins. What I have never regretted is the children I had. What I have come to realize is that God can handle everything if we only give Him our complete trust. Don't be sad and don't give up your hopes and dreams. Condoms and other birth control have been known to fail and I don't mean rarely! What can your husband say if HIS birth control fails. If he were really serious he would have had a vasectomy but I find most men are not eager to go that far and as long as he hasn't there is hope. God can work miracles. He can even work on your husband's choices. Give all the problems to God, tell Him your heart's desire and TRUST Him to do what is best for you and your husband. Get Holy Mother Mary on your side. God finds it difficult to refuse any request of hers. We have four children and seven grandchildren and they are our comfort and joy in our old age. Our friends who restricted their children envy our joy. Many of them rarely see their one or two children who live miles away or don't have any time for them. Don't lose hope. Trust in God. He can do anything even soften your husband's heart.
Bernie DeFrancesco
8/1/2012 03:51:03 am
My heart goes out to you. There are 4 years between two of my children and I know the longing. I have no advice for you other than to confide in the Blessed Mother and ask her to Take over in these circumstances. Trust her and she will work wonders.
9/15/2012 06:31:38 pm
Dear Gina,
9/17/2012 02:58:12 am
Hi Lisa,
Anita Stanko
2/13/2013 12:44:47 pm
So your story could not have come at a better time for me. For me it was not about loss but rather, gain. What you described was TRUE love in the way Christ modeled it and how marriage was meant to be. You inspire me. Many blessings to you and your family.
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