![]() This looked a lot like my son on Sunday. Since I've begun taking him regularly, he's been perfectly fine. He usually is quite good, and is even starting to pick up on when he is allowed to stand and sit in my lap and such.Well, this past Sunday, he was an absolute terror. He screamed (and I mean, SCREAMED) for most of the Mass. I have NO idea what got into him, and even being in the "cry room" wasn't helping. I'm sure we could've been encased in a sound-proof box within three others, and they still could've heard him! It was absolutely cringe-worthy for me, but I took it as a penance (considering how mortifying it is to have such a loud child and seem like a complete failure as a mother). Seriously - his screaming and behavior were unlike anything I'd ever seen from him, so I couldn't help but think God had gone, "Alright - here's a chance to test your patience!" Luckily, the words of that wonderful confessor came back to me: This is your prayer life. Raising this little boy should be your constant prayer life. So I tried to swallow the irritation, frustration and embarrassment and offer it up for whatever intentions Jesus needed attending to. However, all week I've been getting snide comments about his behavior. Before and after CCD class on Tuesday, a few of the staff approached and commented "What on EARTH got into your son at Mass?" At a meeting, I got the same questions. Heck, even after the Mass on Sunday, a few of the parishoners who know me eyed him with disgust and mentioned I should maybe bring crackers to "keep his mouth occupied" next time, or, better yet, just "leave him home" next time. ARGH! SERIOUSLY?! Maybe it wasn't Vince's behavior that God chose to give me a test of patience. It was simply the catalyst for these folks taking it upon themselves to comment in so ludicrous a manner. Argh, argh, argh. Considering how often they've all seen Vincent acting the angel at Mass, you'd think they'd've said to themselves "Obviously he's having a bad day or something." No, we automatically get things like "teach him that snacks during Mass are A-OK!" or "if you cry hard enough, Mommy will take you home and you'll get your way!" Cmon now, people! Sorry for what seems to be a random venting, but I just got a follow-up e-mail from a parishioner regarding an upcoming function, and her "PS" was dedicated to such tips as "coloring books" "puppets" and "goldfish" as viable alternatives to the random outburst. Hurumph. He hasn't needed it these last few months, why the heck would I need to start instilling bad habits now? ... sorry... apparently I'm not very good at learning this whole charitable patience stuff. But seriously... *grumble, grumble, grumble*
Nicole P.
2/3/2012 01:03:56 am
Trust me, there are some people who will always feel that kids of a certain age shouldn't be in Mass. I take Eli to Mass with me every week, and while I try to keep her quiet, Miss Congeniality feels the need to say hello to everyone in a 3 pew radius, and sing Alleluia when the Spirit strikes. She doesn't cry and is quiet for the most part, but a few Sundays ago, this provoked a few of the people sitting around us to cast her some dirty looks and move farther down the pew from us. I could only imagined what would have happened if she screamed.
I'm so sorry your son had such a rough Sunday and you've had a rough week since.
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