![]() Not this kind, either. So I was diagnosed today with Shingles. SHINGLES. I'm 29 years old, and I came down with something that I didn't think would bother with me until I hit retirement age. This ranks right up there with last year's scarlet fever. I mean, seriously - who gets these things anymore? As my friends have now teased, I got lost on the Oregon Trail somewhere. *Shakes head* So yeah... I still feel terrible. At least I know why, though! I finally caved and went to the doc this afternoon after the rash I'd been attributing to my fever started feeling like a bunch of bee stings. My friends, a shingles rash is no fun thing. These little welts HURT. I'm so glad Vince has no chance of catching them. Since he's vaccinated against chicken pox (which is where shingles come from), he's safe. Also, the blisters are relatively covered, so it's not like he can come into direct contact with anything. Yay for that! Now I've just got to ride out the rest of the symptoms. I guess it was timed perfectly to coincide with the conclave. I've got a ready-made daily sacrifice to offer up for all the cardinals! :) Speaking of the conclave, a few of you have asked why I haven't written anything on the retirement of Pope Benedict XVI or mused as to who might be the next pontiff. Welp, I had written about Pope Benedict's possible retirement in 2011 here. After that, I sorta just expected him to someday announce his resignation. I have no real opinion on his departure because I simply don't know enough to formulate a proper one. All I can do is pray for his fruitful and blessed retirement and thank God we were given another staunch and brilliant defender of the Faith. As for the current conclave and the various gossip surrounding "popular choices" for pope, I have nothing to say. I don't know much about the various "popular cardinals" and I certainly wouldn't presume to say "Oh I think we should have a pope from X country because of this, that and the other thing." Considering it's the Holy Spirit running the show on this one, my ideas are completely pointless. I haven't read any of the conjecture / gossip / professional opinions because, frankly, none of it matters. No one can predict our next Holy Father. Even if someone was right, it's doubtful their reasons for his selection are going to be correct. Our ways are not His ways, so what's the point in attempting to rationalize that which we can't possibly grasp? That being said, it's totally entertaining to read some of the "If I could choose X as pope" entries I've come across. Those always make me smile because the people who have put so much time and effort into selecting their "Dream Pontiff" obviously have such a love and care for our faith and our priests. Actually - fun fact about Pope Selection: Did you know that a man from the laity could be called upon to become Bishop of Rome? I did not know that until last week when a coworker explained the process! I thought that was a really entertaining factoid! You just need to be an unmarried Catholic male. How cool is that???? So I guess my brother is in the running!!! Ha ha ha! Ah well. Anyway, that's it for me. I'm headed back to bed now. Thanks for all the well-wishes!!! Keep those prayers for the cardinals going because as of now:
Oh ouch! My mom had shingles a couple years ago and it was so miserable. Prayers for you (and it does sound like the perfect thing to offer up! but ouch!).
Kathryn H.
3/13/2013 05:56:34 am
Shingles? Scarlet fever?! Poor you! Well, keep an eye on EWTN for me. I hope you feel better soon. ;-)
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