![]() Vince and I - he was about 8 months! Katherine over at Having Left the Altar has tagged me with a list of questions - and you very well might be next! I remember doing these on MySpace at one point, so forgive me if I cheat and use that for my 11. *Grin* To Play: Post these rules. Post a photo of yourself, then write 11 things about your life. Answer the questions for you set in the original post. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you have tagged them. 11 Surprising Things about Gina 1. I was kidnapped and spent 2 hours in the trunk of my own car, completely calm due to the fact that hyperventilation would have smothered me. This happened about... eight years ago. Wow - time flies! 2. My favorite prayer is a toss up between the Memorare and the Purgatory Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great. 3. I'm extremely ommatophobic (eyes) and extremely carpophobic (wrists). I even get irked when I hear that latter word. I honestly think it has something to do with the stories of Christ's crucifixion as a kid... some theories of Him being nailed through... well... you know. Ugh. 4. I used to pretend I was Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly, the Pink Ranger from the Original Power Ranger series) and instead of falling for the Green / White Ranger, I fell completely in love with Austin St. John (Jason, original Red Ranger). 5. I used to collect crack vials with Mary as a kid (5th grade) because I thought they were the capsules for those "Put your Name on a Grain of Rice" necklaces that were so popular way back when. Our D.A.R.E. Officer's reaction was priceless. Ha! 6. I once tried to save the life of a mouse that was stuck to a glue-trap. I was unsuccessful (mainly because my Dad stopped me and disposed of the poor little critter himself), but when a bird became trapped on one a year later, I reigned victorious. 7. I was never one of the "popular" kids, but everyone always knew who I was, regardless of my societal place value. 8. I was voted Most Theatrical back in HS due to the fact that I was a lead role in every play from Freshman Year to Senior Year. Everyone thought I'd end up on-stage someday... kinda gave it up after the Footloose Fiasco in college, though. Ha ha ha. 9. I "borrowed indefinitely" There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom (Louis Sachar) from my older sister's library collection in 4th grade because the title sounded funny. It was the first book I ever actually read and it opened the world of reading up to me. 10. I (along with my mother, two younger sisters, and a priest) were witnesses to a double homicide. The priest's response to the shootings shaped my awe-filled respect for the priesthood. I think I'll be blogging about him later. 11. I still cry while watching Mufasa's death scene in The Lion King. Wanna fight about it? My Answers to Katherine's Questions: 1. Favorite movie genre? I'm a nerd - documentary. 2. Ideal date? Dinner at my favorite place and then home to snuggle with a show on the couch. 3. Favorite painting? This one. As an ex-dancer, I can't help but find myself drawn to the passion that this dance solicits. The colors are electrifying, the shoes make me want to pry them off her feet, and this painting is actually a "sequel" to another McDowell painting called "The Last Tango." 4. If you had/have a garden, what would you plant? I'm horrible with growing things. I've tried everything and nothing has stayed alive. Weeds die on my watch. I'd love to grow veggies or a fruit tree, though! 5. Mountain person or beach person? Beach, but I spent every summer in the Pocono Mountains as a kid. 6. Favorite type of restaurant? My favorite is Bonefish, but Olive Garden is a close second. 7. Do you play video games and if so, what is your favorite? Streets of Rage II. As I kid, I used to take all my frustrations out on that game. I purchased it as an adult and I can say that it still works like a charm. I'm able to defeat the game (on the hardest setting) with plenty of lives to spare. Plus, it's one of the rare games from my childhood that included a female protagonist. 8. You won the lottery. What's the first thing you'd do with your winnings? Bills. Technically I guess I'm supposed to tithe it, but I'd totally be paying down bills. Mine, John's, my family's, etc. 9. Ideal vacation? For John and I, I want to go back to the Caribbean. For the family, weekends at the beach are always perfect. 10. Beverage of choice? Dr. Pepper (unless Mr. Pibb or Dr. Thunder are somehow available). LoL 11. Favorite childhood toy? Glo-worm. I took him everywhere with me straight through college until some jerk kidnapped him while he was hitching a ride in my souvenir bag on a trip back from Disney. I cried the whole way home. My Questions for Catherine, Shalimar and Michelle. Actually, I'd love it if anyone who stumbled onto this page would answer these. I love finding out about people!!! What is a book that you read (whether for school, work, etc) that you thought you'd hate but ended up enjoying? If someone were to write a story about your life, what would the title be? If you chose your own saint for Confirmation, who did you choose and why? What is your favorite image of the Blessed Mother? What is your favorite go-to prayer? Do you wear perfume on a regular basis? If space and money abounded, how many pairs of shoes do you think you'd have? Favorite farm animal? Best advice for a child who wants something he or she cannot have? Most embarrassing parenting moment? Proudest parenting moment? Now I'm gonna break from the rules a little bit. If you don't want to repost your own entry to answer these, feel free to comment or message me. Also, feel free to tell me you refuse to answer because you gave this sorta stuff up when MySpace got swallowed up by Facebook. Ha ha!
You were kidnapped!?!?!? Doesn't that deserve its own post? Goodness!
5/3/2012 03:16:47 am
So a couple things:
5/3/2012 03:28:57 am
Also, here is the one and only real link I ever discussed the kidnapping on. It's from my old Livejournal account (remember when folks still had those???).
Jackie F
5/3/2012 06:31:32 am
Hey Katherine, not only was she kidnapped, she was taken in the middle of a mall parking lot at like 9am. Best part of this story is the fact that the cops made her get back into her trunk on the way home to prove she was able to even fit in it.
5/3/2012 07:43:16 am
By the way, you should've said something about the fact that you're half camel.
5/3/2012 01:43:53 pm
Mary knows all about my camel DNA. Ha ha. She's always teasing me about it. 5/3/2012 08:03:54 am
OK, this ROCKS!!!! I am still paughing hysterically about the kidnapping event, because that's the only reaction I can have because the experience is out of my league! LOL! WOW!!
5/3/2012 01:45:56 pm
"A child walking in on a ... Theology of the Body moment. "
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