![]() On Holy Thursday, John snapped this photo of Vince and I before we left for Mass. Vincent was holding Chase, his stuffed German Shepherd. He's gotten incredibly attached to him the last few weeks, and I admit I sorta love that. He's never had a toy that he MUST have with him at all times. Chase is his best pal now, and he always wants him wherever he is. For Mass, he was well-behaved. We were very close to the front because I wanted to explain everything to him... especially the washing of the feet. However, I was SO incredibly disheartened to see only three men come forward to have their feet washed. The rest were women. Two or three e-mails were sent out by our Director of Religious Education practically begging people to volunteer for this role. Only three men could be found? THREE? How incredibly sad. What does this say about the men of our parish? As I explained in this entry, the Washing of the Feet is an act that goes well beyond proving Jesus' humility. It was an act of preparation for His apostles - the first priests of the Church. Only after washing their feet and charging them with serving one another so fully did Christ then instruct them in the Eucharistic Prayer. Only then were they to take part in the first Mass. Mother Church requires the feet of men to be washed because of the incredible symbolic nature of this act. It's why many old-school parishes wash the feet of retired priests. How blessed is the parish that recognizes that the rituals we still take part in can be educational as well as prayerful! Should all parishes be so lucky. *Sigh* On Good Friday, Vincent was pretty exhausted by the time our services rolled around. I took him in early so he could see Jesus in the place of repose. I answered his questions, but he surprised me again by how much he understood. He said, "Jesus died, right Mommy?" I said, "Yes, Vincent, and the Church is very sad." He asked, "But He's in Heaven, right?" I said, "That's right. And He's going to bring us to Heaven, too." Then he said, "But I don't want to go to Heaven. They don't have toys." I laughed and said, "Heaven is more fun than Ocean City!" He looked at me, incredulous, because to his four-year-old mind, nothing could possibly be more fun than the Boardwalk, curly fries and roller coasters. Midway during the service, he nodded off to sleep right in the pew, clutching Chase under his coat. After the service, two kind elderly folks came up to us separately to express their appreciation for Vincent's presence the last two days (Holy Thursday and Good Friday). One woman commented that she loved how he says, "Jesus, I love you" when the newly consecrated Host is elevated and the gentleman said he liked that Vincent behaved and genuflected before the altar. I truly puffed up with so much pride and appreciation then. I'm always so worried that I'm not doing enough to teach him about how beautiful our Faith is. Truth is, I'm not. That being said, I know that God is making up for my inadequacies and is patiently leading Vince by the hand. It makes me so incredibly happy to have reminders like that, especially given the difficult week we'd had at school. ![]() On Easter Sunday, Vince was not a big fan of Jesus' when I reminded him that after his egg-hunting, he needed to get ready for Mass. I knew it'd be tough getting him on board, but as always, once he was in the car, he was perfectly fine. My niece, Alliya, even ended up coming along with my MIL. We went to a parish that I've only been to once before, and it was completely by accident that we arrived there. I've STILL got a terrible taste in my mouth from their Mass. The tabernacle is off to the side (I hate that), the priest was omitting things left and right (whether on purpose or not, I honestly don't know, so I'm hoping it was accidental), the parishioners who sat to the right of us were incredibly rude (but they might not have been regulars) and the whole set-up felt very, very... New Age-y? I dunno. I just got a terribly off feeling and it left me unsettled until we were about half-way home. Alliya was asking me all sorts of questions as I took them around the church to show them the various statues and sacramentals. We had gotten there early, so to burn energy and utilize a built-in theology lesson, I took them on a quick tour. Alliya had so many smart questions (questions which Vincent jumped in to answer at points!). One of her questions was about Jesus being in the tabernacle. When I explained that we genuflected to Jesus who remained hidden in the tabernacle, Alliya became confused. She wanted to know how He fit, if He was a ghost, etc (she has basically no catechesis whatsoever). These are all smart and valid questions! So I explained as simply as I could without confusing her further. I said because He is God, He can take on whatever form He wants. Because He loves us so much, He decided to look like Bread so He could personally feed us, Himself. Thus, because He appeared so small, He could fit into the tabernacle until the priest opened the door at Communion time. She seemed to accept this answer, but when we got back to the pew, she asked if she would have to SEE Jesus. The concept of seeing someone she only knew as dead was understandably scary to her. She doesn't get that Jesus is God. She only knows that He's someone we celebrate at Christmas but He died a long time ago and went to Heaven. Anyway, this thought scared her, so she kept asking me if she'd see the Consecrated Hosts. I simply said, "Alliya, Jesus is not scary. He loves you so, so much. He has a real body, just like you and I. He's the one who sent you your Mommy and Daddy who love you so much. He made sure you had a Mi-Mom and Pop to take you fun places. He makes sure all your family and friends are nice. All the good things in your life are because of Him. He's not scary... He's the nicest person in the whole universe!" Vincent emphatically agreed with me, but Alliya didn't seem to believe me. Again, I don't fault her for this. She hasn't had any religious education. Hopefully one day she will, but even if she doesn't, when she asks me for the truth, I will always give it to her. But to end with something amusing, on Holy Thursday, after Jesus was placed into the side repository, we waited our turn to go up to say a prayer. When we reached the kneelers, Vincent looked at the small tabernacle holding the ciborium and asked, "Mommy, how do we get Jesus' trophy?" Ha ha. Nice. Also, the veils pictured in this blog are from Veils by Lily and Liturgical Time respectively.
Gina, I am so thankful for you and the way you are able to express your thoughts on everything. So very thankful. I am so glad that Vincent was well behaved during mass. I know my little lady was getting antsy during Good Friday's services. BUT I feel so blessed to have gone with your information at hand. Much love coming your way.
4/21/2014 01:29:02 am
Gina, we went to the EF Mass for Holy Thursday, and there was no shortage of men who were going to have their feet washed. I'm so glad you explained how the institution of the priesthood has to do with washing of the feet. Our priest touched on it but your post gave it depth.
4/21/2014 06:54:48 am
Gina, I love love love this post! Thank you for sharing about your Triduum experience. For the first time since I was in RCIA six years ago, I too went to all the services (not sure how you would say that). It was so meaningful and worth every single effort I put into getting there. I am still processing it all and finding amazing spiritual gifts from having gone. So, thank you for sharing. I love your veils and Vince is adorable. Have a blessed day.
I just recieved my Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion at Easter Vigil, and my fiance recieved his Confirmation) he was baptized Catholic, but stopped weeks shy of his original confirmation and fell away from the Church.
4/22/2014 09:06:36 am
Thank you, Amanda! Sounds like you're on the right track for your son, too. Congratulations on marking your entry into the Body of Christ. Welcome, sister!
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