![]() On Thursday, Vincent got sick at school so I had to pick him up early. The poor little thing had caught a horrible stomach bug and he was puking left and right the whole day. I must've done four loads of laundry to account for all the outfits and bedding he went through. However, he was a champ through it all. In between bouts of being sick, he'd smile, laugh and be super affectionate. I absolutely loved it, since he hasn't been as affectionate with me in a while. He'd much rather hop up into Daddy's lap to watch funny videos, or play basketball with him. I've been chopped liver for the last few months! But when he gets sick, he typically wants Mommy - so I was absolutely in my glories. Poor John was feeling left out, especially since he was leaving for Vegas on Friday. But he knew Vince just wanted to be coddled, so he didn't put up too much of a fight. Anyway, by Friday, Vince was feeling much better. He wasn't throwing up anymore, but his belly was still acting up. Late in the afternoon, when I felt we were "all clear," I took him to Kid Junction, a fun little spot that has basketball, ski ball, a jungle gym and slides. When we got there, they were in the middle of switching ownership, so we got in free! The new owner even gave us some free tokens! The place was mostly empty, so Vince got full run of the place. He mostly played basketball (80 tokens on basketball and ski-ball... ay), but he had a really good time doing it! Afterwards, I took him to Cracker Barrel. I guess his poor tummy still wasn't up for anything because he refused his pancakes. He did eat a few of Mommy's apples, though, so that was a plus. We purchased a toy police car since he'd been such a good boy, and off we went into the night. By the time we got home, he was completely tuckered out. ![]() _Saturday rolled around and I had a super special day planned for him! We got up nice and early and hopped over to Discovery Museum in Cherry Hill. For anyone unfamiliar with it and in the NJ area, this is a definite MUST for you if you've got children. For his birthday, I purchased a membership there (which also extends to places like the Please Touch Museum in Philly!). But I digress... He had an absolute blast. I took him home for his afternoon nap, but once he was awake again, we went right back! Their new room - dedicated to Dinosaurs - was a huge hit with Vincent. He spent most of his time in their "Dino Dig" area, just scooping mulch into his little bucket over and over again. :) Finally, we did a little bit of shopping. I had to pick up some art supplies for him and decided to finally start on his bookcases. The last few John and I had gotten were horrible Ikea things that simply buckled once any real weight was put into them. So I was determined to get sturdy ones this time that would take the abuse we tend to dole out. I concocted a brilliant solution, but my DIY project hasn't yet finished. Once it is, I'll be sure to post about those babies as well! Anyway, while we were shopping, I got a text from John that he wasn't feeling well and was spending his trip confined to his hotel room. To make him feel better, Vince and I sent him this: Granted, a complete inside joke, but it's still a ridiculously adorable picture with equally ridiculous sunglasses. :)
Anyway, the last store we stopped at Vincent found a sheep that he really, really liked. Vince isn't normally one for stuffed animals, so when he repeatedly asked for the "sheep," I felt compelled to get it for him. He rewarded me with snuggling it, repeatedly kissing it, and falling asleep with it. He even took it to Mass with him after holding and petting him for a good portion of the morning! I, to say the least, was impressed! So yes - Vincent had himself quite the entertaining weekend. And I'm glad he did, too! After feeling so awful and then missing his Daddy on top of it, I wanted to be sure he had a smile plastered to his face! So far, so good. Well... until he falls asleep, that is. :)
No doubt your kids would love, love, love this place! They've got a wonderful website (which I'm gonna go link back to the blog so it's easier for folks to find it).
No doubt your kids would love, love, love this place! They've got a wonderful website (which I'm gonna go link back to the blog so it's easier for folks to find it).
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