![]() Today is the Feast of Divine Mercy. Not one mention of it was made in my parish. :( The deacon gave a nice little homily that referenced the book Heaven is for Real, but nothing about Divine Mercy Sunday! Nothing about St. Faustina and the incredible promises made by Christ to those who venerated and adored His Gift of Mercy on the Sunday after Easter! I hope others of you had better luck than I. However, I was still able to celebrate Christ's Mercy on my own. I participated in the worldwide novena, got myself to a confessional, and participated in the Eucharist (though I dunno if I'd go so far as to say it was a "good reception" considering I was wrangling Vincent at the time). Anyway, I'm going to ask our pastor if we've got an image of the Divine Mercy for the parish. If not, I believe I've got a good fundraising goal for the Evangelization council. Ha! For those of you unfamiliar with Divine Mercy, I suggest starting here. This is a relatively new Feast (but not so new that my parish wouldn't have mentioned it!). Anyway, Jesus promises a total absolution of sin and the punishments due to Divine Justice for those who observe this feast through confession and reception of the Eucharist. Considering it the plenary indulgence to end all others. Heh. Seriously - powerful stuff and desperately needed in this day and age. The picture itself is of Christ, His Hand raised in blessing as His Sacred Heart pours forth the Blood and water that gushed forth as His Body hung upon the Cross. When the Roman centurion lanced Him, that Blood and Water were the last blessings He imparted to us, offering every last drop of Himself for our salvation. Through His Feast of Divine Mercy, He beckons us to run to Him and steep ourselves in His Mercy. No sin is too great for His Mercy. No sin too dark that it can't be washed clean. The gospel, of course, ties into this theme as Christ imparted Reconciliation to the Apostles. He "breathed on them" that they might receive the Holy Spirit and thus the authority to provide absolution of sins. This reminds us of God's enduring Mercy. It is made available to us each time we humble ourselves before Him in the confessional. It is made available to us each time we accept Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. It is made available to us each time we seek forgiveness from one another - and we taste the healing power of this as we, in turn, forgive. I sincerely hope other parishes took full advantage of this great Mercy. And if you haven't already, might I suggest St. Faustina's Diary? I cannot even begin to describe how illuminating that was! Plus, you can read it online for free!
Nicole P.
4/16/2012 07:30:24 am
My church also failed to mention that yesterday was Divine Mercy Sunday, but I noticed in the hymnal, where it says what Sunday is it, it had in parentheses under Second Sunday of Easter "also Divine Mercy Sunday." My church bulletin also had a note last week reminding people to pray a novena of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy starting Good Friday, and I recall seeing St. Faustina's name as well, so I guess it's better than nothing :)
4/10/2015 02:43:20 am
This might be why it wasn't mentioned? Some Priests are worried the Divine a Mercy image is not actually from Jesus and question it's legitimacy. I am curious to ask my Priest concerning this article:
4/10/2015 02:47:02 am
Apologies for the spelling and contractual errors. I was typing on my cell while my toddlers were crawling all over me ....and auto correct happened.
4/10/2015 03:31:22 am
Nvm. I was told to be weary of that site. The guy smells of Sedevacantism... the position, held by a minority of traditionalist Catholics, that the present occupant of the papal see is not truly pope and that, for lack of a valid pope and that the see has been vacant since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.
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